Monday, July 6, 2009
2:58 PM
The Waters Family
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The Waters Family Profile Page

aka the idea behind the families creation...
The Waters Family began when I was trying to wrap up a really big work project and working a lot at night time. This unfortunately really cut into my ability to play The Sims, which also happened to be not long after the game was FINALLY released and I was still in that "very new I have to play every minute" stage. So I created The Waters to be played pretty much without my input.
The plan was to create them, build then a suitable yet sensible home and... step back. Pretty much that was the extent of it. They would 100% (or as close as) be left to their own devices. Sort of like they were living their own life with me observing, instead of simply having their strings pulled by the puppet master (me...).
In sticking with that plan, I left everything as default when creating the family bar their traits. I did have a certain plan in mind for them in that I wanted an Insane husband, with his insane old father driving the poor little good girl wife mad. Outside of their traits and their lifetime wishes, I left them as is - clothes, facial features, etc... all default.
The idea was, with the insane family line (father and husband), mixing in with the oh so pleasant and easy going wife, it should make for interesting scenarios. Interesting it certainly did, but not for the reasons I expected...
Note: I did eventually intervene as they weren't doing anything at all. And you know, once you do it once, it's very easy to intervene... again.
aka the idea behind the families creation...
The Waters Family began when I was trying to wrap up a really big work project and working a lot at night time. This unfortunately really cut into my ability to play The Sims, which also happened to be not long after the game was FINALLY released and I was still in that "very new I have to play every minute" stage. So I created The Waters to be played pretty much without my input.
The plan was to create them, build then a suitable yet sensible home and... step back. Pretty much that was the extent of it. They would 100% (or as close as) be left to their own devices. Sort of like they were living their own life with me observing, instead of simply having their strings pulled by the puppet master (me...).
In sticking with that plan, I left everything as default when creating the family bar their traits. I did have a certain plan in mind for them in that I wanted an Insane husband, with his insane old father driving the poor little good girl wife mad. Outside of their traits and their lifetime wishes, I left them as is - clothes, facial features, etc... all default.
The idea was, with the insane family line (father and husband), mixing in with the oh so pleasant and easy going wife, it should make for interesting scenarios. Interesting it certainly did, but not for the reasons I expected...
Note: I did eventually intervene as they weren't doing anything at all. And you know, once you do it once, it's very easy to intervene... again.

Traits: Over Emotional, Neat, Friendly, Good and Family Orientated
Lifetime Wish: To be surrounded by family
Career Path: Started in the Police Force before quitting after Adrian's Death. Is currently employed part-time at the local grocery store.
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: 2 to Adrian Waters - Thomas (boy) and Susie (girl).
Emily is the over-emotional, yet very easy going member of the household. Her emotional side is always hidden from the other members of the family, with Emily preferring to have her melt downs out of the view of judging eyes. To most people, she appears to be the most easy going sim in town - taking pretty much everything Adrian and Richard threw her way. Well, mostly Adrian, Richard (aka grandpa sim) infuriated her beyond containment with his constant criticism.
Being the only remaining member of the original three, she raises her two children Thomas and Susie on her own, barely. Adrian's death hit her very hard, and after the last guest for his funeral had left, it was all too much to bare and she rang to quit her job. When Richard died just a few short days later, I'm surprised she was able to get out of bed...
With the responsibility of two young children in her care, Emily had no choice but to find a way to survive. She allowed herself a few days to grieve, but then forced herself to start getting dressed in the morning and took a kind hearted offer to work part-time at the local supermarket.
With all the dramatic experiences in her life at such a young age (she was still a young adult when Adrian and Richard passed), she followed the advice of a fellow town sim to write out her experiences to help process them. This writing turned into her first book and a discovery that she loved to write... and she wasn't too bad at it either.
Emily now spends her time writing when ever she can, working enough hours to keep the roof over her head and food in the fridge, looking after her two children who are growing quickly than she can accept, and generally just trying to survive. Only time will tell if she does...
Full Name: Adrian Waters
Traits: Insane, Absent-Minded, Hot-Headed, Childish and a Heavy Sleeper
Lifetime Wish: Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career Path: Made it to Carnivorous Plant Tender before passing...
Marital Status: Um, Dead...
Children: 2 to Emily Waters - Thomas (boy) and Susie (girl).
Coming soon...
Full Name: Richard Waters
Traits: Insane, Neurotic, Light Sleeper, Mean Spirited who had No Sense of Humour
Lifetime Wish: To annoy as many as possible...
Career Path: Babysitter and general gardener around the house. I don't give Elders jobs...
Marital Status: Dead...
Children: Adrian is his only child, who gave him two grandchildren (Thomas and Susie)
Coming soon...
The Waters Family have two children currently. Both to Adrian who died before they even reached toddler hood.

Full Name: Thomas Waters
Traits: Exciteable, Artistic and a Computer Whiz
Career Path: Nothing yet...
Marital Status: Single
Children: That would be a miracle at this age wouldn't it?

Full Name: Susie Waters
Traits: Athletic, Hates the Outdoors, Grumpy and Unflirty
Career Path: Nothing yet...
Marital Status: Single
Children: None yet...
Susie is the second born by Adrian and Emily, however, some freak glitch in the space-time continuum saw her jump ahead an age bracket, passing her younger brother who has now become her younger brother. The glitch was caused by me saving in the middle of her birthday party from toddler to child. When I returned to the game, the game must have forgotten that she had already blown the candles out, even though the cake was already half eaten. 30 seconds into my game play I watched Susie have another birthday and age into a teenager.
Emily spoke to the town doctors who referred her to many specialist (basically I googled) and sadly, frustratingly, there is no cure or fix for this rare occurrence.
Since the two children were only two days apart in birthday's to begin with, I decided to accept this anomaly and just role with it.
The story so far...
The Waters Family has turned into one of my more interesting (and favourite) families to play. After being created as nothing more than some sideline entertainment while I worked, they have proved to have the most interesting and drama filled lives of all my sim families to date. Moving past the obvious trait drama of having two insane sims living under the same roof, there's been two electrocutions (to death), a space-time continuum aging glitch and a complete and utter melt-down of emotions.
If you're a fan of the reality TV shows like Big Brother, in particular the episodes where there's huge arguments, tears and other amusing dramatics, then the Waters Family might be your type of entertainment...
Important Story Line Posts... (in order)
Introducing the Waters family...
I Intervened... (Thomas Pregnancy)
I Intervened... again (Grandpa and Emily don't get along)
Here we go again... (Susie is born)
Oh noes! Break up?!
Decision made - it's time to break up...
Adrian and Emily's Break Up...
Freak out much?
More proof...
Bye Bye Adrian...
Grandpa Sim might be worth keeping around after all...
Adrian's Funeral...
Adrian's Burial Plot
Thomas has a birthday... (baby to toddler)
Bye Bye Grandpa...
Susie Waters has her Birthday...
Grandpa Waters gets buried...
It's all so quiet...
The Garden's all but dead...
Good to see sim children have realism...
It's time to dig it up...
Thomas gets his birthday wish... (toddler to child birthday)
Hacking for profits!
Emily and Tom catch up...
Susie ages into a grumpy child...
OMG Glitch!!
Just go with the flow...
Checking in on The Waters Family
Ghosts in the Machines...
It's time to get back on track!
She's a man eater...
Emily and Rainer...
Ghosts at Play...
Random Posts (doesn't really effect the story line, but still related to The Waters Family)
You need to be able to designate beds...
LOL - Boring conversation...
The gardening duo...
So impractical...
Adrian Waters - Insane and Brilliant!
Carnivorous Plant Tender...
Memory Lane
Readers Choice... you decide!
Have you caught up with all the drama? (and info/catch up post after a BIG week of blogging)
Interesting Job...
The Broken Computer...
The Hunt for the Mysterious Mr. Gnome!
Lifetime Wish: To be surrounded by family
Career Path: Started in the Police Force before quitting after Adrian's Death. Is currently employed part-time at the local grocery store.
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: 2 to Adrian Waters - Thomas (boy) and Susie (girl).
Emily is the over-emotional, yet very easy going member of the household. Her emotional side is always hidden from the other members of the family, with Emily preferring to have her melt downs out of the view of judging eyes. To most people, she appears to be the most easy going sim in town - taking pretty much everything Adrian and Richard threw her way. Well, mostly Adrian, Richard (aka grandpa sim) infuriated her beyond containment with his constant criticism.
Being the only remaining member of the original three, she raises her two children Thomas and Susie on her own, barely. Adrian's death hit her very hard, and after the last guest for his funeral had left, it was all too much to bare and she rang to quit her job. When Richard died just a few short days later, I'm surprised she was able to get out of bed...
With the responsibility of two young children in her care, Emily had no choice but to find a way to survive. She allowed herself a few days to grieve, but then forced herself to start getting dressed in the morning and took a kind hearted offer to work part-time at the local supermarket.
With all the dramatic experiences in her life at such a young age (she was still a young adult when Adrian and Richard passed), she followed the advice of a fellow town sim to write out her experiences to help process them. This writing turned into her first book and a discovery that she loved to write... and she wasn't too bad at it either.
Emily now spends her time writing when ever she can, working enough hours to keep the roof over her head and food in the fridge, looking after her two children who are growing quickly than she can accept, and generally just trying to survive. Only time will tell if she does...

Traits: Insane, Absent-Minded, Hot-Headed, Childish and a Heavy Sleeper
Lifetime Wish: Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career Path: Made it to Carnivorous Plant Tender before passing...
Marital Status: Um, Dead...
Children: 2 to Emily Waters - Thomas (boy) and Susie (girl).
Coming soon...

Traits: Insane, Neurotic, Light Sleeper, Mean Spirited who had No Sense of Humour
Lifetime Wish: To annoy as many as possible...
Career Path: Babysitter and general gardener around the house. I don't give Elders jobs...
Marital Status: Dead...
Children: Adrian is his only child, who gave him two grandchildren (Thomas and Susie)
Coming soon...
The Waters Family have two children currently. Both to Adrian who died before they even reached toddler hood.

Full Name: Thomas Waters
Traits: Exciteable, Artistic and a Computer Whiz
Career Path: Nothing yet...
Marital Status: Single
Children: That would be a miracle at this age wouldn't it?

Full Name: Susie Waters
Traits: Athletic, Hates the Outdoors, Grumpy and Unflirty
Career Path: Nothing yet...
Marital Status: Single
Children: None yet...
Susie is the second born by Adrian and Emily, however, some freak glitch in the space-time continuum saw her jump ahead an age bracket, passing her younger brother who has now become her younger brother. The glitch was caused by me saving in the middle of her birthday party from toddler to child. When I returned to the game, the game must have forgotten that she had already blown the candles out, even though the cake was already half eaten. 30 seconds into my game play I watched Susie have another birthday and age into a teenager.
Emily spoke to the town doctors who referred her to many specialist (basically I googled) and sadly, frustratingly, there is no cure or fix for this rare occurrence.
Since the two children were only two days apart in birthday's to begin with, I decided to accept this anomaly and just role with it.
The story so far...
The Waters Family has turned into one of my more interesting (and favourite) families to play. After being created as nothing more than some sideline entertainment while I worked, they have proved to have the most interesting and drama filled lives of all my sim families to date. Moving past the obvious trait drama of having two insane sims living under the same roof, there's been two electrocutions (to death), a space-time continuum aging glitch and a complete and utter melt-down of emotions.
If you're a fan of the reality TV shows like Big Brother, in particular the episodes where there's huge arguments, tears and other amusing dramatics, then the Waters Family might be your type of entertainment...
Important Story Line Posts... (in order)
Introducing the Waters family...
I Intervened... (Thomas Pregnancy)
I Intervened... again (Grandpa and Emily don't get along)
Here we go again... (Susie is born)
Oh noes! Break up?!
Decision made - it's time to break up...
Adrian and Emily's Break Up...
Freak out much?
More proof...
Bye Bye Adrian...
Grandpa Sim might be worth keeping around after all...
Adrian's Funeral...
Adrian's Burial Plot
Thomas has a birthday... (baby to toddler)
Bye Bye Grandpa...
Susie Waters has her Birthday...
Grandpa Waters gets buried...
It's all so quiet...
The Garden's all but dead...
Good to see sim children have realism...
It's time to dig it up...
Thomas gets his birthday wish... (toddler to child birthday)
Hacking for profits!
Emily and Tom catch up...
Susie ages into a grumpy child...
OMG Glitch!!
Just go with the flow...
Checking in on The Waters Family
Ghosts in the Machines...
It's time to get back on track!
She's a man eater...
Emily and Rainer...
Ghosts at Play...
Random Posts (doesn't really effect the story line, but still related to The Waters Family)
You need to be able to designate beds...
LOL - Boring conversation...
The gardening duo...
So impractical...
Adrian Waters - Insane and Brilliant!
Carnivorous Plant Tender...
Memory Lane
Readers Choice... you decide!
Have you caught up with all the drama? (and info/catch up post after a BIG week of blogging)
Interesting Job...
The Broken Computer...
The Hunt for the Mysterious Mr. Gnome!
Family Relationships
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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