Sunday, August 23, 2009

at 10:23 PM Tags: , Posted by Soapinatrix

My first blog poll! Are you as excited as I am?! To christen the blog, the first poll is based on the unexpectedly exciting Waters family. If you've read the previous couple of days blog posts, you'll know that Adrian died, had a funeral and was buried. Emily couldn't hack Adrian's death and quit her job, Thomas had a birthday and then Grandpa sim died. Yes, all of this in under a week Sim time...

At Adrian's Funeral, Emily met Tom Shallow. She had an immediate desire to chat to him again, and because of this wish, he was present when Grandpa Sim died. He showed an evil side by laughing at it too!!

At first, I was thinking Emily should pursue a relationship with Tom, be it rebound fling or potential new husband. He looked like a very straight cut nice guy, someone that might suit Emily and give her the life she deserved. But now, after that evil cackle, I'm not so sure.

So, this story line is like one of those books where you make choices along the lines and, depending on the choice you make, the story takes different twists and turns.

Should Emily pursue a relationship with Tom Shallow?

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  1. i voted for the No way! option... but seems most people are picking the "see what happens.." next :S