Monday, August 10, 2009

at 11:02 PM Tags: , , , Posted by Soapinatrix

As mentioned in my previous post, it was time to age the kids up and move them onto the next level. Baby Ricky's cake hadn't worked the first time, so I binned it not wanting to risk a double ageing glitch and got a new cake. I clicked on it and selected Ricky to be the one to blow the candles. After a few confused seconds of not actually being able to find Ricky, I realised Grandma was holding him so panned across to the kitchen to watch the fun.

As you can see, it comes in REALLY handy befriending a firefighter!! I'm so glad she was there because it was all out and done with before I could even remember to call the fire brigade - I kinda panicked looking for my Sims before pulling out the mobile lol. After I did make the call however, I clicked on Ricky's portrait to see Grandma take him outside (thank you) and put him on the ground?! WTF!!

Right as the video cuts out (again, need to check those damn settings) you can see Hal walking out. Thankfully he picks poor Ricky up and passes him to Melani who gives him a big cuddle. Odd thing, he still hasn't aged lol. That's two cakes (one combustible) and still no aging.

I'm going to give it a rest for today and try again on the weekend to age him... hopefully it will work then, and hopefully with everyone alive to see the results.