Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Without Adrian and Grandpa Sim, the Waters household is very, very quiet. Boringly so. Apart from the obvious lack of two additional Sims, poor Emily has so much on her plate now with two little toddlers that it doesn't leave her much time to do anything other than eat, sleep and look after the house. And she doesn't have any money to go into town because she quit her job.
She did pick up a part time job at the local grocery store, but I'm really questioning the point of that as a single mother. With no live in babysitter anymore, she has to shell out $75 to hire a townie. And for 3 hours of work, at $30 an hour, that only makes her $90 each day. $90 - $75 = $15. That's right, she works for $15! Hardly enough to live on.
I'm going to make her keep it for now though. It's a good way to stop her getting the "you never leave the house loser" moodlet as it gets her out and in town 5 times a week. I'm also hoping that it will allow her to meet other Sims, because at the moment, she doesn't really know any. While she did work in the Police Force and met some Sims there (Hal, really don't want another one of him in my live), she got pregnant so quickly that she's spent most of her life at home.
I decided, to help compensate the lack of money, to have Emily start writing some novels. I figure she has had enough drama in her life to be able to turn some sort of book out - after all, how many real life books are born out of life experiences? How far she takes it I haven't worked out yet. It could either be a temporary thing while she gets her life back on track, or it could turn out to be something she continues as a source of income. Maybe it's a hidden talent she didn't know she had because she has never done anything other then be a housewife.

The good thing about writing, is I can do it from home. Emily purchased the computer before all the drama, which turned out to be a lot more handy than she anticipated. At first she thought she could meet some new Sims online, perhaps play some games or do some grocery shopping. I'm getting very used to seeing the above image though.
Of course, the toddlers entertain themselves all day and only ever need to be attended to for food, nappy changes to clean them up (they're potty trained now thank goodness) and to put them in their crib. Because of course that's how real toddlers are right? I'm sitting here on my lap top with my toddler entertaining herself happily? Entertaining that doesn't involve trying to hit my keys, lick the monitor, ask for juice 10 times a minute, shoving her bear in my face or running laps around my chair squealing... right?
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