Saturday, August 22, 2009
I found out tonight, that after someone has died, you get another option show when you wish to throw a party....

It makes sense, I just didn't think of it myself. I was actually wanting to throw a party for Thomas' birthday as it was today. Poor little mite, not his fault his father passed away the day before. Which of course, poor Adrian for not being able to see his babies age up into toddler hood and dying less than 24 hours earlier.
So Emily threw a funeral. It really didn't go as I expected either. Adrian didn't have a lot of friends, so she just invited everyone she knew, which wasn't a lot. Apparently Adrian really wasn't friendly with many of them as no one hugged or consoled Emily - I know this because I was following her around trying to capture a picture of it to include in the post. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not even a "you'll be ok dear" mandatory pat on the shoulders.
Emily actually spent most of her time standing outside looking in the windows. I kinda felt sorry for her because it's not her fault she had no friends. Of course, the people that were there were a bit nuts themselves because they all had the thought bubble of balloons over their head.
Now, I've not been to many funerals myself, but remembering back on the ones I have been to, I don't ever remember having to fight my way through masses of BALLOONS!! Crying people, wads of tissues but no, no balloons. That just brings a whole new meaning to 'celebrating their life' doesn't it?
Even sans the balloons, the party just scraped through as acceptable. Because that's your biggest concern when mourning the loss of a loved one right? That everyone has a good time.
Apparently it's all just too much for Emily to take. The marriage ending, Adrian's death, being stuck with an insane Elder who she doesn't even like and being left as a single mother to raise two young children. Without a single prompt from me, Emily quit her job!! I didn't even know Sims could make such big changes without our influence. All I noticed was the mobile phone icon and I wondered who she was calling. When I moused over it, I saw...

Given it was her wish, I clicked ok. Who am I to stand in the way of a life falling apart?
So now, Emily is not only without husband, she is also without job. Hopefully these two factors won't also make her without children!! There is now no income coming in for the house bar the few fruits and vegetables Grandpa will harvest and sell. Emily did take a writing class a week ago (she was looking for a hobby to replace the together time with Adrian) and had made a start on a fiction novel a few days ago, so perhaps she can take all these life experiences and write a best seller...?
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