Monday, August 31, 2009

at 6:37 PM Tags: , , Posted by Soapinatrix

I had Max online today while I was trying (desperately) to get my daughter to take her nap. For the record she didn't and it's been a VERY long day LOL. Thankfully I had a very interesting glitch to cheer me up and make me giggle.

Check this out...


Freaky hey? That's actually two sims merged. It was at the picnic tables behind the diner there, and when I sent Max over to grab a plate as he was hungry, the guy already sitting scooched over to make room. And that was the result.

Once Max got around there the guy scooched back. And it's no wonder, check out this death glare!! OMG!


Yeah, that'd make me haul ass too. Speaking of ass...


ooooh yeah! Apparently it was worth the potential life loss to scooch back over to get a better look. Maybe Max has an admirer of a different kind...?