Monday, August 17, 2009
4:00 PM
Random Thought,
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While Max was distracted by Ugly Melani, and trying to not to stare, Melani decided to broach the whole "let's take the next step" relationship killer - she asked Max to move in with her! Dun dun duuunnnn....

I did find it really cool that a Sim I don't control proposed the moving in. It's nice not to have to make all the decisions myself. But now I also have a new sympathy for men.
See, my vision for Max is to be a rock-star. I want him to live the life of a rock star. A REAL rock star!! Not one of today's new age, floppy haired, high pitched, baby faced teenage heart throbs. Max rocks hard, parties harder and is currently sleeping his way around town - YAARR!! \,,/
He's not the rock star that wants to settle down with just one woman and play happy families. And honestly, I don't want the responsibility of a little women (who looks like an old hag now anyway) that has 3 kids, two of which are newborn twins. Yes yes, I know, they're MY kids and I should be more careful if I don't want the responsilibity, but ... He's a rock star baby!
So, in that moment, when the game paused and the 'big question' is glaring at me in the face, I felt a sudden kinship with all the commitment phobic, never want to grow up men out there that are just "not ready" for something like that yet. I was a deer in headlines, muttering, uuh, uuh, um, like, um...
I didn't know what to say.
Max hadn't had any wish come up to move in with Melani - sleep with yes, multiple times, but move in? No, none of those wishes yet. And given his current 4 wishes involved 3 other women, I really didn't think it would be a wise move to accept. I did consider accepting it and then just continuing to live out the rock star life and see what happened from there, but he's not that much of a prick heh.
So, after an uncomfortable silence, with a knot of guilt in my stomach, I clicked the X. No, he did not want to move in.
My eyes were glued to the screen. I was bracing for a slap, a burst of tears or to be pushed in the pool (see previous blog post and take note of the background). But, nothing. A few moments of silence - no talking, no, nothing - and then Melani left. Naw, what a brace face she put on.
I really wish there were more interactions initiated by other Sims in town, I don't always want to be the one having to ask the questions or make the contact. I want Sims who just rock up at my front door for a visit, not just call once in a blue moon. And I kinda get annoyed at those messages that pop up reminding you that you have to maintain contact to keep a friendship and that your Sim and xxxx Sim are no longer friends. Well, we ALL have mobiles now right? And they work both ways right? Why am I the one that always has to call them?!
And if I remember correctly, when I was reading up on The Sims 3 before it was released, there was mention that you could bump into other Sims in town. But I'm not really seeing that either - not in the "oh my goodness, I haven't seen you for ages, let's grab a coffee" kinda way. My Sims talk to others in the park, but then they'll also pass right past their "friends" without so much as a wave. And I've yet to be asked if I'd like to have a coffee... nope, always me asking.
LOL, life is just so hard right...?
See how hard Max's life is... these are all his wishes at the moment. Notice the theme? All women! LOL!
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