Monday, August 24, 2009
Emily was in desperate need to get out of the house. With so much going on this past week, she didn't even realise she hadn't been outside her front door in days. She took a big leap and hired one of the town babysitters to look after Thomas and Susie, and, since the weather was so lovely, thought today would be a good day to go and place Grandpa's ashes down at the graveyard.
There isn't a lot of room left to place new headstones, especially as I'm completely unsure who there is buried in a casket and aren't about to go digging about to find out for myself. I really wish when you chose to "place headstone" you got the options as to where. Like when you're placing a new house or a new Sim family into the neighbourhood and get shown current available lots. Since the graveyard doesn't work that way, I went for safety and placed Grandpa beside Adrian under the big tree there.

It makes sense too, as they were always outside gardening, either together or on their own. So Grandpa will get just as much ghostly enjoyment for being so close to nature.

Emily took a moment to shed a few tears for Grandpa. She really wasn't comfortable leaving her children, the only things left in her life with some random, unknown townie. She didn't trust them, and from everything she had heard, had good reason not to. She missed Grandpa sim more than ever right at that moment...

Although every inch of her body was screaming to run back home to the kids, I knew Emily needed some time out on her own. To breath in fresh air, to connect with her fellow townsfolk, even if just to find a shoulder to cry on. She really wasn't coping with the past week, even my fellow Twitter friends have commented on it - Emily may be all pixels, but we can all see how she's just not ok with it all.
I wanted to take her to get some proper food as it can't be healthy for her to live on left over birthday cake or week old pancakes prepared by Grandpa Sim (she can't bring herself to throw them out, not matter how ill they make her feel). But looking at the family funds of a pathetic $48, and knowing there were bills waiting at home almost triple that amount, mouldy food would have to do.
Instead, I thought it was time to at least attempt to pick herself back and up and get on with her life by getting a job. Returning to the Police force wasn't really an option, even though I knew they would take her back without so much as a hesitation. No, Emily needed something a little easier to deal with. Something she could just go in, do what was required and not have to think. A part-time job at the local grocery store seemed very fitting...

It's no career, but it's some money coming into the house to help feed her and the kids. The garden that Adrian and Grandpa had spent so many hours working towards was wilting and withering quicker than Emily could handle. She should be working on it as it would be at least some income, but it just takes too much time. With herself to take care of, and two toddlers to chase after, it's impossible to maintain on her own. Hell, it was barely maintained with two Sims working on it. No, I think I'll just have to let that die off. I might keep the apple tree near the letter box as a reminder, but that's all.
So today begins Emily's new life. She's on her own, with two toddlers to look after and she simply can't sit around the house moping any longer. Time to get up, get dressed and get on with life. Starting with packing groceries for the annoyingly happy and chirpy townsfolk who whispered and gossiped about her beloved husband and his father.
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