Thursday, August 20, 2009
When I decided to send the family to a community lot last night, I decided to send the entire family. Even Grandma Audrey got to get out of the house for a few hours, something she very rarely does due to my neglect (really, it's her own fault for being such a good babysitter hehe). This was my first time sending more than two sims out somewhere. So far, the biggest trips have been Audrey taking Seth to the book store to read him some books when he was a toddler.
But now, I got to figure out how to send a whole family out! Previously, trips to the book store were organised by Grandma Audrey picking up Seth, and then heading on down. If I didn't pick him up first, the trip was nothing more than wasted cab fare. To send out multiple Sims however, is quite easy.
For those like me who sometimes forget there is more to the Sims 3 than your own house lot, all you need to do is open up your map, select the community lot you wish to visit and select to "visit with..." When you do this, a window pops up and you simply left click on any of the family members you wish to head there with. For me, I selected everyone and off we went!
For some odd reason, Melani still has the Police car she acquired before changing careers. I would give it back, but I don't have enough money to purchase another car, and a family with children simply can not be without a car. Not even in everything's perfect Simland. I tried selling it to fund a new car, because I did kinda feel bad riding around in a marked cop car when I wasn't in fact a cop anymore, but you can't sell it. You get offered $0.
So anyway, after selecting the lot, Melani pulled out her squad car... from her inventory, damn she must have big pockets. And muscles to make superman wince. She loaded Seth into the passenger seat which I was surprised at given his age - in Australia it's illegal to have a child under 12 in the front of the car. After staring for a few minutes, I noticed we were still sitting there. What was going on?
Grandma Audrey had, thankfully, picked up Ricky (clearly Melani is a wonderful mother...), but she was stuck in the Nursery. Just standing there. I noticed in between the "get in the car" and "move" actions, there was an icon to put a toy away. I cancelled than and she got moving again. Sometimes the elderly just need a good shove right? (oooh, so wrong)
It was then that I noticed cancelling the action left the toy still in Audrey's hands.

I actually thought it was kinda cool that she could carry Ricky and still hold a toy. I don't know how many times I've scooped up my own toddler and her teddy, and her blanket, and bottle, and slippers and book and a mini play cow. LOL us mum's are very clever.
I also discovered why Seth was in the front seat too. When Grandma Audrey got into the backseat holding Ricky, it kinda made sense. Obviously a toddler sitting on an adults lap and a child couldn't all fit in the back seat (yeah right), but SOMEONE had to hold Ricky since EA don't offer baby seats in car. Which really, would be the safest thing to do. But then again, this is Simland, and I've yet to see or hear about a car crash yet.
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