Saturday, August 29, 2009
The good thing about not having to work a 9 - 5 job is you get a whole lotta free time. There's no need to make sure you're in bed on time for the following days work, which proves very useful in experiencing new things...
Max couldn't sleep last night as he's so used to the work routine of being at the theatre till all hours of the morning. Deciding he needed to burn off some energy, he went for a bit of a run. Given it was the middle of the night, I thought it might be a good time to have him run the long windy roads on the outskirts of town. No cars would be driving them (hopefully), and it would give him some fresh open air to clear his head.
Somehow, he ended up at the towns cemetery. Since Max has the Daredevil trait (we've all seen his wish to play with fire...), I figured he'd be brave enough to stick his head inside one of the catacombs there. I didn't even know you could go inside until I read it somewhere recently. And after I did, I couldn't wait for an excuse to try it out.
Frustratingly it's simply another rabbit hole building and you don't actually to get to see inside. Max just entered and I stared at the door way like a freaked out blond girl waiting the stupid male to come back out. It felt like one of those B Grade horror movies - "No Max, don't go in there... alone. The Zombies will get you...... Max?... Max are you there?"
I'm just SO glad my hubby was in the bedroom watching a movie. Because if he had of put his hand on my shoulder at that very moment, I would have woken the next door neighbours.
As I listened to the sounds of chains clanking, ghosts wooooo'ing (well how would you describe the sound ghosts make?) and the general scary sounds of a cemetery, I got an option pop up asking me if Max would like turn left or right. I thought that was kinda cool. I chose left and really wished I could of been seeing what he was. For something like that, EA could really turn things up a notch game wise by providing more movie scenes. They can make them to promote their expansions and game right? Surely they could give us a once off movie scene of my Sim creeping through the darkness.
Eventually, Max returned.

Hrm, he doesn't look so good does he? I was a bit confused by his blackened skin and lack of clothes. The hair I understood - everyones hair stands straight up when they get a fright. But I don't remember my clothes self combusting out of sheer terror. So either he managed to find some fire inside and tried to fulfill his fire bug wish on his own (doubtful), or there's a really nasty mummy in there who's carrying a torch.
