Monday, August 24, 2009

at 3:42 AM Tags: , , Posted by Soapinatrix

Following two days behind her brother Thomas, baby Susie of the Waters household ages into a toddler. Thankfully both children are too young to realise the loss of both their father and grandfather this week, although I am sure they are wondering where they both are. If bloody EA would introduce prams (and tandem prams at that) I would take both of them down to the graveyard so they could perhaps try to understand. Or at least the park so they could get out hehe.

Susie's birthday went without a hitch thank goodness. I did have this absolute horrible feeling that the cake would burn the house down and kill someone else. There is that whole "everything happens in 3's" mantra afterall...

The first thing I noticed (after the lack of flaming cake icing) is that Susie shares her brothers trait of baldness. This really isn't cute guys. Bald toddlers? C'mon now...

Waters Family