Friday, July 24, 2009
I find it amusing how easily it is to rise through the career ranks - especially for a single mum who's probably had just as much time off work being pregnant as she has days actually working. Unless I'm playing a particular career choice (like I want to make a Master Chef sim), I always go for the career path that the Sims wish for. I like my Sims to tell me a story and have their own lives just as much as I make them do stuff. Melani's wish was to join the Police force, which I accepted.
Of course, I never had any plans for her to be a single mother - I had every intention of seeing her marry a lovely guy before having kids. But, real life doesn't always (if ever?) turn out the way you plan, so my Sim's lives aren't any different. I like that things don't go according to plan, and that I let them dictate their lives as much as me. I've said it before on here (I'm dating...myself?) that I believe Sims have hidden personality traits and mesh better with some Sims than others, so I try to pay attention to the wishes involving other Sims as my Sims know who they want to be friends with and who they don't.
Of course, because of that, Melani's ended up with two kids to the lying sack of wasted space Hal! But, that's life, right?
So, anyway, when I accepted the Police career path, my thoughts were how cool it would be to have a Cop mum out doing the 'hard' job while hubby stayed home and looked after the kids. After all, Melani's life time wish is to have 5 children and see them make at least their teenage years. It doesn't say anything about being the actual 'raiser' of said children, she can take the cool job. And really, with 5 kids, someone is going to have to be able to keep them all in line, what better person that a female cop? I've heard from many a people that the female cops are the worst.
I rose through the ranks of the Police force fairly quickly, surprisingly so given my time at home with big fat bellies and screaming newborns. I was even more surprised to see on my first day back at work after having Ricky, I got a promotion!Now I get that your work performance meter doesn't drop for maternity leave, but really, a promotion on my FIRST day back at work? Still, I can't complain I guess, I do have shorter hours, for more money, and the bonus of a laptop. Sweet!
Later that same week back at work, I had a "first" happen. I got my first career path choice...I knew it had to happen (making the choice) eventually, as I've seen wishes relating to them. In fact, I think Melani had one of said wishes.... hrm, I'll have to check that. I decided to take the Forensic Analyst line, it just sounds cooler.
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