Friday, July 31, 2009
I was reading a thread over on the forums the other day, where members were commenting on toddlers and if they are or are not too easy. The post was kicked off by a member, who played with the 90 day life span and found that within 3 days, their toddlers were potty trained, talking and walking. I WISH real life could be so easy!
Apparently in Sims 2 it was never so easy. I say apparently because I never played the Sims 2 long enough to find out. Where as now, as I have mentioned a couple of times already, I'm find myself completely and utterly hooked with #3, and I put that all down to gameplay. Easier gameplay? I wouldn't say that. Less frustrating would be a good description. Not making me want to use my keyboard to break my monitor would be another.
I personally liked DarkAmaranth1966's reply the best...
I play epic as well but don't force age my sims. Toddlers can learn form the toys and, when they are older can start as high as level 3 on skills because of it. Having them learn all they can also seems to make it easier for them to get good grades and, makes for well behaved children.I too play epic because I didn't like the 'rushed' feeling that came with the other lengths. I don't really have any plans to let the full epic life span play out day by day, but I like knowing I'm not restricted by any time period. I just use the birthday cakes to age my sims when I'm ready for them to age up.
Let them play, read to them, take them on outings. Geeze, our own toddlers are toddlers well beyond potty training and all, let sims live thier lives for crying out loud.
Of course, with babies and toddlers, this extended period is more noticeable, but in a good way. After all, I have a toddler of my own (almost 2), and she was not talking, nor potty trained from the moment she was no longer classified as a 'baby'. She was walking however because she started at 10 months. But here she is, almost 2, a full year later and she's only just getting her words together and is still not potty trained. Course, I wouldn't mind either of those being completed either lol.
But DarkAmaranth's post is true. Toddlers do take a while to age up. It's not all over and done with in 3 days. I actually love having my toddlers around as toddlers, it makes my Sim still feel young. And I WISH my toddler would play on their own ALL day, sit in the crib rocking back and forth happily for HOURS before falling asleep on their own. If life could be so easy...
Unfortunately, because Sims toddlers are so capable of entertaining themselves, I find I tend to forget them a bit as well. I have a grandma sim living with me now, and even she spends all her time painting instead of actually interacting with the kids.
And baby Ricky? He lives in his cot 24 - 7. I do so wish there were more options for where to place him other that the crib or the floor. I wish there were bouncers, and swings (baby swings that is) and prams. If there were, my kids might actually see more than the roof of their bedroom.
So yes, I guess in a way Sim children are pretty easy. But it's the way you look at it. I find them enjoyable more than 'easy'. And that's the most important thing in my opinion.
Of course, DarkAmaranth's post also reminded me Melani doesn't actually do anything with Seth or Ricky either. Partly because of the no pram, no bouncer issue, but that's no excuse. Here I am in a game where you can seamlessly venture from your home to the town, and what do I do? I never leave home! So much so I keep getting that little moodlet that TELLS me to leave the house once in a while! I need to, I get so fixated on the work > sleep > eat > skill > work routine that I don't do much else.
So, I dropped everything and took Seth to the local park. I didn't realise he wouldn't be able to go on the swings and slides yet, but at least it's "out and about". And what does this poor, neglected, not used to the light of day child do? This...

I was left baffled and a little disturbed. Not only for the fact he was playing near toilets, but also unsure if there was perhaps a hidden Vampire trait that I was somehow discovering. I didn't hear any hissing when he was in direct sunlight...
Still, it's a good reminder to get out and about a bit more. I need to remember that there is a whole town out there to explore, and that work and sleep aren't the only things I can do anymore. Thankfully Melani's latest job promotion see's her only working 4 days a week, with Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday off work. Time to use those days to spend time with the kids I think... the career will always be there. And at the rate Super Sim is going I'd be level 10 next week anyway. No rush needed.
Time to remember to stop and smell some roses every now and then. And to enjoy these 'easy' toddlers...
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