Monday, July 13, 2009

at 9:26 PM Tags: Posted by Haydies

My twitter followers already know this, but tonight I decided to start yet another family. But, this isn't a family I plan on actually playing. Confused?

I'm trying to wrap up a really big work project and only have the last little bit left. I'm determined to focus solely on that until it's done. But of course, that leaves me longing for my Sims as well. As autonomous as my little Sims can be, they still need some interaction and when ever I do try and leave it just running in the background (on my laptop while I work on my PC), I never get anything done. I don't get any work done, and I don't really play the Sims. It's just a big ole' waste of time.

If I am doing nothing important, like reading forums or something, then it's fine. But when I really, really, REALLY want to get this project done, Sims is just going to have to take a back seat. But, I shouldn't have to fully miss out should I? No, I don't think so either.

So tonight, I made a family that I won't be playing. They will be 100% (ok, 99%) left up to their own devices. I will give them a career matching what ever their wish, and I will occasionally send them out to town to the local park or something. But outside of that, they will have to look after themselves. This way, I can have the Sims going in the background, fulfilling me cravings, but I'll be able to full concentrate on work as I won't feel like they are going off course to my life design.

I decided, since they would be their own sims, I also wouldn't play any part in their creation. I chose random Sims and left everything as the game chose - hair, clothes, body shape. The only things I touched were the traits as I did have some idea for this family.

They're insane!

Yup, there's three members to this family, and two of them are completely nuts! There's a husband and wife, of which the husband is the insane half. She, the wife, is very easy going, friendly, helpful and such a lovely lady. He is hot-headed, insane, childish and absent-minded. Mixing into this due is Adrian's (husband) father Richard. He's just a full on nasty piece of insane.

I'm hoping, with the insane family line (father and husband), mixing in with the oh so pleasant and easy going wife, it should make for interesting scenarios. Well have to wait and see...

The players:

Adrian Waters, aka the Husband.

Richard Waters, aka the father.

And, Emily Waters. The poor wife caught in the middle...