Monday, July 6, 2009
Ok lol, this is just bordering on too weird. I slept with myself. Well, Max slept with Melani (my 'me' Sim). See, before I started Melani in Riverview, she was in Sunset Valley. When I first got the game I kept stuffing stuff up (for me), so kept creating new Sims to play. First was a house of 3 room mates, then Melani who went and had children which became boring so I made rock star, child free Max. But of course, the previous two families are still around as I kept replacing my Sims in the same town since I had no plans to return to the previously stuffed up houses.
I've been seeing my first family around, and I actually think I've seen children of the first house around - surname Hart, and I don't believe there's any other Harts around? Is there? But until last night, I had only seen Melani once. And I lured her around a secluded corner to tell her who I was... she didn't care, nor stay long enough to listen.
But then, she showed up to my party! See, when ever I have a party, I just sort by friendship status and keep inviting until it's full. I figure I might as well invite people I get along with. Of course, when you play the guitar in a public place, I believe when you play for tips specifically, you make friends with who ever is around. Now, when I've been playing, I've also been doing other stuff on my PC (Sims is on my laptop) so haven't been paying attention. Obviously Melani has been listening and became a friend, and thus, was invited.
I actually freaked out a little when I saw her in my house LOL. More so because I became aware of her presence after a thought bubble with her face appeared above Max's head. Was he thinking about her? In a good way? Oh my...
They made a beeline for each, which, given the party was in a caravan really wasn't that hard and started chatting. See the thought bubble? See the way Melani is looking at Max? Oh yeah, and see the death glare Max is coping from the blond? Which is even more amusing as "that blond" is Nicky, from my first family haha.As the party continued, the two kept chatting it up. And by the time the party was winding down, they were VERY cosy!!
I wasn't sure what to feel about this. Weird because two of my Sims seemed to hit it off so well? Or embarrassed because my "me" Sim seems to be a slut?
It gets better too. The night after the party Melani rang Max and the two chatted. Since she seemed to be keen, after the chat ended, I called her back and invited her over - she would be right there. Curiosity was getting the better of me and I decided to see how far I could take this, because one thing I didn't mention - Melani was married!
I didn't marry her, so she's done this on her own. Some guy named Eric. I've got no idea if they have kids of not as I've not seen this "Eric" around...
Apparently, Eric mustn't mean much, or be out of town a lot...
Yah, guess who's playing peek-a-boo under the covers. Melani and Max. In basically one night, they went from just chatting, to just... um... you get the picture. This further fuels my theory that Sims have hidden personality traits that click with other Sims. In the past I've spent days trying to get two Sims to hook up and it's just never worked. Yet, here, we have two Sims I had absolutely no plans of banging hips with, and it takes less than 3 hours game time to get them rolling around in the sack.
Very interesting. And of course, I did it purely for research sake. Yah... that's it. I guess Sims have their own story lines to play out, we just have to hope ours meshes...
Oh my, I didn't think of that! What if Melani and Max are destined to be together, and his rock star womanizing ways turn out different?! What if I end up playing two of my Sims at the same time without ever intending to.
Haha, that would actually be really funny. And hey, at least I know they're both good looking - I made them!
How very interesting!
Now... what if Melani and Max have a lil' Max? >.>