Thursday, July 23, 2009
After playing the nutso Waters family, I realised one thing... well, a few things, but one thing in particular - having an Elder around comes in very handy! With Melani being a single mum, and no plans for changing that any time soon, it can be hard work with two kids - especially a baby and a toddler. And let's face it, the babysitters may be slightly better than TS2 nannies, but not by any long shot.
So, I decided that Melani's grandma would come and move in. I can have a live in babysitter for one, someone to help with the housework for another, and, since she is creative, I plan on raising her painting to help contribute to the family funds.
Which by the way, reminds me - how annoying is that Elders can have absolutely NO skills?! How in the hell did they survive this long with no skills? I seriously think we should get a certain amount of skill points depending on the age of the Sim we make. Say, 5 points for every age bracket? Ignoring toddlers, that gives us teens, young and normal adult and then elder. So I should have 20 skill points to spend. That's not hugely unlikely given the life span of our Sims.
Things like that make me wonder did EA just choose not to do it? Or did they not think of it? So many obvious stuff to me is not in game it's frustrating.
Anyway, back to Melani. Her grandma (Audrey) has come to stay. And with her, brought some extra $$$$ into the house - yipee!! First thing I had to do was tack on a room for her, nothing special:Of course, the majority of the money went into the new kitchen. I didn't actually plan it that way, initially only going to replace the fridge, it kinda grew from there. I do like it though...
Of course, by the time I was finished the remodelling, it was time for bed. So I'll have to wait until tonight to see how grandma works out...
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