Sunday, July 5, 2009

at 7:30 PM Tags: , Posted by Haydies

I jumped on Max last night after having god knows how long a break from him. He's my rock star Sim, and I have to say, leads a boringly easy life. Get up, eat, shower and head to central park to play for tips. Work, come home, eat, sleep. Rinse and repeat. He did get a promotion however which sees him only work 4 days, and it's nice having that 3rd day free to do what ever I want, which, doesn't seem to be a lot.

See, I'm playing him as the slightly stupid rock star who doesn't do anything for himself. The best he knows to cook is grilled cheese, and clean? What's that. He fixed his toilet the other day, but I figured any idiot given a plunger would eventually figure it out anyway, so not really something unique to his lack of abilities. If he's not eating or sleeping, he plays his guitar. All. The. Time! Even when I don't tell him to.

I've started getting him to throw parties, since party animal is one of his traits. I was surprised even a formal party at the local museum, where all he did was play his guitar (I had the wish for formal party, and play guitar at a party so combined them), came out a smashing success. He didn't mingle, there was no food, no drink - but yet, it will be talked about for years. Sweet.

I do like the car upgrades I've been seeing with each promotion though (I got two last night). LOVING the SUV:

And how about THIS for a ride?! I so didn't expect it, I only wanted to go to the grocery store, it just rocked up...



  1. Woohoo, tour bus! \m/