Tuesday, September 15, 2009

at 7:50 PM Tags: , , , , Posted by Soapinatrix

Hopefully by now you've all seen the video of Susie's efforts at fixing the computer? She did an ok job. She survived and really, that's all I was worried about heh. The computer was broken in the first place when Thomas got caught hacking, but I'm starting to wonder if there's more to the broken appliances than an exploding virus. Take a look at the following image...


Right off the bat you can see the obviously broken kitchen sink right? But take a look at the dishwasher as well, that's smoke coming from the front. Two kitchen appliances broke within 5 minutes of each other, and that's the very same dishwasher that ended Grandpa's life when he tried to fix it.

At first I thought about giving Susie another roll of the Russian Roulette fix-it barrel and see if she could fix them, but I had a really uneasy feeling about it so decided against. I thought the sink would be fairly safe since it wasn't electric... but who knows, the sink could contain a garbage disposal and that could electrocute her.

Emily had just enough money in the family funds to be able to afford a repair man, I figured this would be a good idea. So would sending Emily out to find herself a repair man to marry at this point. I sent them all to bed with a note on the fridge to call the repair man in the morning.

During the shower process of everyone getting ready for bed, the shower broke!! That's three broken appliances in one night!! I was too scared to turn on the TV.

Something is definitely going on here, and I've got my suspicious it's the ghosts of Adrian or Grandpa! After all, Emily and Tom have been getting pretty cozy, maybe Adrian's upset she moved on so quick? Or maybe Grandpa is annoyed he didn't get a funeral (forgot his, oops)? I don't know what it is... but this can't be normal wear and tear.

Breakage Record
  • TV - 4 times total
  • Dishwasher - 3 times total
  • Computer - once
  • Shower - 3 times
  • Toilet - 2 times
That's a whole lot of breaking appliances... *makes ghost noises*


  1. That's a huge amount of breakage! Are you sure it's not just cheap appliances? :p