Monday, September 21, 2009

at 7:33 PM Tags: , Posted by Soapinatrix

No no, don't panic. My lack of updates has nothing to do with my poor little Sims heh. They're all alive and kicking... well crap, last time I checked on them they were! And even if they were all dead, that would mean an influx of posting, not lack of. =p

Nope, my uncharacteristically quiet patch is nothing more than time getting away from me. Saturday we had the in-laws here and even my little munchkin didn't get to bed till almost 10pm, oi! Then Sunday it was just too many things, not enough sleep and a decision to have an early night. So that's an entire weekend of no sims. Oh my gosh!

There will also be no simming for me tonight because Aion is out! It's here! The servers are live waahoo!! For those also following my @Velcro_Monkey twitter account, a new MMORPG called Aion is currently distracting me and will be sharing my gaming spotlight for a little while.

Unfortunately, my main PC is a little out dated now a days, so much so that the sims really couldn't run on it. That's why I play it on my laptop. And now, with Aion and it's oh so beautiful graphics, I've had to use my laptop for that as well. Sorry my helpless little sims, I can't play two games at once. I could if I upgraded my PC, I could have one running on that, the other on my laptop. But until money starts falling in my lap, then I will have to play swapsies - one night on Aion, one night on The Sims.

But that's ok, one night on the Waters family gives me about a weeks worth of blogging lol! And with Melani's recent arrival of twins, and the fact their household now has eight people, I'm sure they'll give me the same treatment. So there shouldn't really be any noticeable difference in the postings on here. And if you are into Aion, I also have a blog for that too! Check it out here:

So yes, that's all. Everything's ok. Please just give me a night to experience Aion for the first time and I promise, there will be sim blogs galore up tomorrow!