Wednesday, August 26, 2009

at 11:16 PM Tags: , , Posted by Soapinatrix

Completely random post - but, you can't tuck children into bed? Or am I missing something? I watched a YouTube video the other day where I'm sure I watched the Adult sim go around to each child's bed and give them a kiss on the forehead and "tuck them in" as it were. Yet, I was just trying to do that now to Seth (Checking in on Melani), and the only option I have is to wake up.

Seems a bit odd to me. I know kids like to be independent and all that, but surely they are still young enough for mum or dad to come and say goodnight? Seems really sad that they just toddle off to bed on their own without so much as a hug or kiss goodnight... :(


  1. was it on Sims 3 ?

    maby it was on Sims 2 ?

    can i have an URL for the film ??


  1. Nah I'm pretty sure it was a Sims 2 movie...

    Still... you'd think it would be something simple enough that they could have left it in. I feel so bad for my kids going to bed all alone...

  1. Looking at the video description - definately Sims 2

  1. yeah
    i know :]

  1. omg just wached the video amazing