Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I didn't get a chance to play last night as I had some work I needed to do, and while I normally let one of my families run on their own for a bit, I really wanted distraction free time. It was a good move as I got what I wanted done, which means I will be able to play tonight without the guilts! Yipee!

I figured, I might use this down time to make sure no one's missed any blog posts over the past few days. There sure has been a lot of them!! Two days I did 5 blog posts per day!! That's how much has been happening in my Sims lives recently. And oddly enough, all in the Waters household, which I find very ironic given they were a family I had no intention of actually "playing" as such.

It's also a little annoying as they were the family I was going to let run free and decide their own lives. To help with the "they are their own Sims" mentality, I also decided not to have any say in what they looked like, or how they dressed. (Which explains why Adrian used to wear a Tuxedo to bed...) I wanted them to really be their own selves, and as such, went with the default settings for everything. So now, my most interesting family is also the one that I can't stand looking at LOL!

I have a thought about that though. Since the family has moved away from autonomous play slightly, and become a family I am now controlling to a certain degree, coupled with all the recent tragedies, I'm thinking I can tweak looks a bit and incorporate it into the story line.

I'm of two minds. I could...

  1. Take the recent events and have them make Emily stronger. Sort of like the "I am a survivor" kinda attitude and as a result, have Emily stand up, take control of her life and get it all fixed. Which could also include some plastic surgery (my excuse to change facial features) and get a new wardrobe. I mean really, she's not the prettiest Sim in town.


  2. I could leave her as is, deal with the fact not all Sims are born beautiful and continue playing the family as I have been. That is, letting Emily continue choosing her own life pattern and following what ever path she chooses. Even if that path leads right into the gutter.

I am kinda leaning towards option 2 to be honest. I want to continue the family as I started it. I just have to deal with the fact Emily's a bit fugly and her kids are bald! LOL. I dunno, so far I've let them run pretty much on their own - the only times I intervened was to get some kidlets into the family... which now I must admit, I'm starting to wonder if there was a reason it didn't happen on it's own - after all, Adrian DID end the marriage. But then again, did having kids cause the marriage break down? I will never know...

Anyway, while I sit and ponder that, here's a list of all the blog posts made recently that you just won't want to miss if you're a fan of the Waters household:

That's right... two deaths, two birthdays and a couple of random posts. And lastly, there is the Readers Choice... you decide! blog post which asks you to help decide what Emily should do about Tom Shallow. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about with that, then you need to read the blog posts linked above. *grin*


  1. read it all :]]


  1. Heheh AWESOME!! I'm impressed, that's a lot of reading haha.

  1. For what it's worth, I'm in favour of option number 2 as well ;-)

  1. Cool Elizabeth - I like reader input! I think I'm going to go that way too...