Friday, August 28, 2009
I had my first real awkward moment last night in The Sims. With Max's time now pretty much all free except for when he wants to work (I'm thinking concerts on Friday and Saturday nights to keep the income coming...) he's looking to other things to fill in his time. I figured music icons must spend a lot of time in the Gym if their bodies are anything to judge by. I was actually watching Pink in concert on TV yesterday and looking at her figure, there's no way she doesn't know what the inside of a Gym looks like.
So, in tyring to keep with a bit of realism, I hooked Max up to the pumpinator 1000 and started working on bulking him up. He's already nice and fit from all his jogging, but a few extra sit ups will keep his 6 pack nice and full.
Unfortunately, sending him to the Gym resulted in my first real awkward moment. Melani rocked up. Now remember this is a different Melani to my main one - I know this confused a couple of people recently. Max and my main Melani are in different cities. I've actually been wanting to find a way to change this Melani's name to something else to stop it being confusing. But I can't find any answers to changing the names of non-controlled Sims. I'd have her move away, but I feel really bad at the thought of booting her out of town LOL.
Anyway, when Max sat down at his station, Melani sat up at hers. Check out the close up of Max's face...

Now the reason for the awkwardness is because Max has been avoiding Melani. Mostly because it is confusing have her in two of my stories, and I'd like things to be a little less complicated. Actually, that's pretty much the only reason lol. That doesn't really explain the look on Max's face however. I can't tell what that is - perhaps a longing? Does he have feelings for her? Or maybe he's just feeling apologetic for treating her so bad? What about jealousy of her six pack lol? I'm really not sure...
If it wasn't the fact they have kids together, I'd have Max pay her moving costs and I would move her out of town. But, the kids... I feel really bad heh. That is, until I noticed this little factor...

Um, who's Eric?!
That's right, Melani in Sunset Valley is... married. I find this ironic since the Melani I play as my family (Rivervew) had the big issue of her partner Hal cheating and having kids with both her and another woman. And now, here's this Melani doing the exact same thing. Well, I don't know if she's got kids with Eric, but she's certainly cheating. And if she has got kids with Eric, then it is the same thing!! Either way, how has she explained to Eric where the kids have come from?!
So now I'm thinking I can use this to not feel so guilty about moving her away. I'm thinking something along the lines of Eric not being pleased with Melani being so close to Max - because clearly she has feelings for him. And in an attempt to reclaim his marriage, Eric needs to move Melani far away. Which would allow me to move this Melani out of the town and avoid some of the confusion that comes with having multiple "me's" in my cities lol.
For those who are confused....
- Family #1 - Max, who's had kids with the original Melani I placed there.
- Family #2 - My second Melani who I placed for some information, then ended up keeping around and playing full time. She has two kids to Hal who also had a child to some other woman.
- Family #3 - The Waters family, which most should be fairly well read up on about recently hehe
- Family #4 - Nicky Dees. My thief character and someone I play sporadically when I want something easy.
All four families are across separate towns. So I have four versions of the game saved that I jump around between... :)
Hahaha you're not the only one that got confused by it all. It's partly my fault too as I never really clarified what sim is where. I know where they are, so just kinda assumed everyone was following along with me lol.
I've been tempted to see if Max could get Melani to leave Eric, especially when she had the twins recently. But a) I'm not sure I want to play TWO Melani's, and b) Max is a party animal rock star. Not really 'settling down' material heh.
"For those who are confused..."
Ouch! that must be me! hehe..
I feel bad for the other Melani, no matters that she's a cheater and had kids with another man that's not her husband... I say: keep her around.. and let's see what happen between her and Max... maybe she end up divorced from Eric and start a new life with Max!