Tuesday, June 9, 2009

at 7:22 PM Tags: , , Posted by Haydies

So, Melani got herself pregnant. She was fooling around with Hal, who by the way, I discovered has "commitment issues", bugger him, and she got herself knocked up. You know, it doesn't surprise me. She does live in a trailor park! I had pondered the thought of moving her out into her first proper home, but if she's going to tramp around and get knocked up before marriage, well she can just stay there.

Ok, that's kinda harsh. She's trying to be a good girl. It's her up bringing really. She moved to Riverside to start a fresh, but her past keeps knocking on the door.

I thought I'd help her out a bit by sending her to Wright Reading Room on the hunt for a pregnancy book. I didn't realise my timing would be so good. After the last page was turned, the book was dropped to the floor... panting could be heard, followed quickly by screaming and panic.

Melani, had gone into labour.

I managed to hit the video record option straight away and caught the face pulling, panic causing labor in all it's glory. Everyone was freaking out around her, but Melani just stood there panting and grabbing her stomach. Like real life however, birthing isn't over in a matter of minutes and soon everyone realised there wasn't much need for the commotion and continued doing their own thing. Some went to the toilet, others finished their book.

Melani... grunted.

I was very happy to see that I could give birth in a public place. I thought that was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Near the end, Melani was summoned to County Care General Hospital.

How did she get there? ON HER BIKE!!

That's right, my labouring Sim jumped onto her bicycle and rode herself to the hospital. Apparently, just in the nick of time as she was only in there for maybe 30 seconds before emerging, thin, with her new baby boy.

Welcome to the world Seth Banks!

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the video of the whole thing to work. No idea why. When I try to play it, Windows Media Player gives me the error message, "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

I can't upload it to Youtube, and the Sims Launcher won't upload it either. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I've love to share it.


  1. This is hilarious! Keep up the good work. I'm adding this to my favorites to drop by and read as often as I can.

  1. Woo Hoo! I love readers!