Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I was meant to be doing some work last night, but I think I'm still a bit under the weather as I could barely keep my eyes open. Instead, I decided a night playing The Sims would be in order - work would be there tomorrow. Damn, that means tonight...
I jumped on Nicky and continued playing. I had found some seeds in the local park (on my jog home one night) and decided to plant them. I don't think they'll last long, gardening is time consuming! It does however give me an idea for yet another sim - a Gardener/Cook. And I thought I'd run out of ideas for playing... pssht.
I'd received two promotions in my play time last night, which had shifted my hours of work to 9pm - 3am, which meant my sleeping habits and everything else were shifting to match. This meant I was up a lot more at night time. It was great to have the town so quiet, although I wish I had of chosen the Loner trait to match my lifestyle. Maybe I need to find a partner in crime to keep me company. Then I can have lots of little evil babies haha.
The one thing that I find lacking in TS3 is the information on how to actually do some stuff. Like, steal. There's no instructions on how to steal, what you can steal, etc. I was hoping to furnish my entire house with stolen goods, but that was going to prove problematic if I couldn't actually pinch the stuff in the first place.
I did a quick google and apparently you can steal from the Museum. My fitness level is rising, so took a jog down - I figured catching a cab, with the intent to steal, might get me caught. When I arrived I found that if I clicked anywhere on the ground, the option to Swipe Something became available.
The first thing I stole?Um, hello?! Could it BE any bigger? Obviously this means I am a natural thief, but geez Louise, that thing will give me away in a flash!! Apparently you can return anything you steal via your letterbox, and doing so gives you a positive moodlet as Sims are happier to return something that keep it. Which just doesn't make sense...
The next night I decided to go back to the Museum to see if they had replaced it. No, they hadn't. I decided to swipe again and see what I end up with.Oh great, lets LIGHT UP the big bloody statue I stole. No really, go head, it's not like it wasn't obvious enough as it is. LOL! I ended up stashing the statue in the family inventory and using the light as a front door light. Bonus, didn't have to buy one.
Like the lack of information on how to steal, there is the same lack on what you can steal. There's the youtube video of the Sims stealing candy from a baby, and you see her creeping through a house. So far I've yet to creep anywhere. I also haven't been able to steal from any house.
I did a bit of googling and found out that you can only steal at night. Which makes sense. As for where and what you can steal, there's no real list. So, I decided I will make one! I took some time to wander around the town to see what places I could steal from. It seems there are a lot.
First I went to the grave yard as I had a wish to visit it anyway. You can steal from there, but at the time I was being watched by a ghost so couldn't. Which is fine, I like the fresh smell of spring in my house, not rotten corpse. Next was onto Central Park which you can steal from, and of course we already know the Museum.
The night after my first wander around, I went to the gym to work out. Being there at 1am is a bonus - I get my choice of treadmills! Then it hit me, why should I have to go to the Gym to work out? Wouldn't it be better if I had a treadmill at home? This is where I learned you can, do a degree, dictate what you steal. Although it is relatively random, if you position your Sim beside something you want, they tend to go for that first.
One treadmill - mine! The Gym TV looks pretty good too doesn't it? Swipe! I tried a third time to get the work out bench, but I mustn't have been close enough as I got a light instead. And you can only steal 3 times a day, so that was it for the night.
Still, awesome score huh?!
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