Wednesday, June 10, 2009

at 11:06 PM Tags: , , Posted by Haydies

Ok, so I realise the Nanny from The Sims 2 was never the brightest tool in the shed, but she had least had some common sense about her! Melani's just gone into labour (why does it happen just as she was crawling into bed for a goodnights sleep?!). Last time I tried to birth at home it took forever, so I thought if perhaps I sent her to the hospital it might go a bit quicker. Plus, I'd heard that if you send them to the hospital, the babies daddy shows up. Given it's just before 11pm, I thought that might be a good thing - let's see Hal explain THAT to who ever this other woman is if they're together.

So Melani calls a cab, and, leaves Seth asleep in his crib. I kinda thought she might have grabbed him, but oh well. I get a message saying Seth can't be left alone (whew) and that I either need to call a babysitter or stay home. I decide to call a sitter.

This STUPID woman walks into the house, WAKES sleeping Seth to... to what? TICKLE HIM! Oh, my, god! Who in their right mind wakes a sleeping toddler at 11pm at night, to pick them up and tickle them? Who wakes a sleeping toddler period?! I mean seriously, all she had to do was sit in the house. That's it! SIT!

Arg, I should have stayed at home. I wish I was there right now as I'd slap her senseless. I'm sure it wouldn't take long...

(( Oh yes, P.S. Read the next two posts below to learn why Melani as just gone into labour.... again. ))