Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Not 5 minutes after I finished posting the happy news that Melani has a new baby, am I shocked, furious and teetering on the verge of putting Hal six feet under. I was curious to know if Seth's family tree would show Hal on there as, while he is the father, him and Melani are not married.
I am pleased to report, it does show him.

At first I was confused. See, Melani is actually a reincarnation of her previous self. She was the Melani I was playing before Max (my rockstar back in Sunset Valley). This Melani is the doppleganger of the mother in the heart breaking story of A Dingo stole my baby!! So when I saw this other baby, a boy no less, my first thought was to her previous life. But, I was wrong.
(( Site Note: In actual fact, this copy was only placed so I could edit her in the CAS screen to share and use her as my avatar on the official Sims 3 forums. She was never meant to live... This is just what happens when you leave The Sims running while you're meant to be working. They get a life, you get attached. /coy ))
Anywho, back to the REAL problem. WHO is this other baby?! I mouse over his picture, and the realiality of it all sets in. That baby is Hals OTHER child!! He's fathered more than just my Seth!

I knew Sims had their own lives in The Sims 3, but I didn't think I would care this much. I think the fact that it's a BABY is what's getting me the most. That's not a child fathered before I was in the picture. That's not even a toddler to let me believe Hal left the previous woman when he met me.
That's a baby... a new baby. A baby the same age as my Seth which means... means... oh my god. Hal was... cheating on me? Or was I the other woman? Was he stringing us both along?! Who is she? I don't recognise the name, I've never seen it around town before and I'd remember it as it reminds me Kate Beckingsale when I read it, or what ever Posh spice's surname is. Eiter way, it's somethign I woul remember. Maybe we're not even from the same town?!
Questions, I have so many questions!
In one way this is awesome. Never before have I felt so attached to my Sims. Never before have they ever seemed anywhere remotely real to me. I don't even remember The Sims 1, but in The Sims 2 I never treated them with anything other than the fast forward button. I loved building, but after that I usually got bored.
But now, now it's completely different. It's a whole new world. I actually feel somewhat betrayed? Jealous? Heartbroken? All of the above? I don't know, but the fact that I FEEL in the first place makes me love the game so much more. And a little concerned for my sanity because really, it is just a game. They aren't real...
Or are they?
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