Monday, June 8, 2009
Melani is in a relationship with Hal - some random town member that is also her partner at work. (She's a police woman). I had a wish to invite my Boss over, so I did. I purposely didn't touch her while he was over as I wanted to see what played out without my interaction. I'm starting to think that certains sims are attracted to other sims without a player assisting it along. I've had some wierd relationship (friend and other) matches that I wouldn't have picked in a million years, yet my Sims can't stop wanting to be around them.
So I wanted to see what happened between these too...
There was some chatting, some joking and then my Boss questioned me. What the? That seemed a bit weird, but my current employement status says to question people to improve so shrugged it off. There was a quick snack and my Sims yawned. Clearly my Boss is just super enthralling to be around.
She walks into the bedroom, BEHIND her boss, and crawls into bed. I'm practically on the edge of my seat wanting to know why he was walking into my bedroom. Why was he fluffing the pillows?? WHY WAS HE GETTING INTO THE BED?!?! I mouse over the icon and it says sleep until rested... whew. I was really worried it was going to say "relax" which is what leads to "woo hoo"!
But nope, she just fell asleep. And... SO DID MY BOSS! Check this out, he's snoozing beside me. Thankfully Hal is no where to be seen or I'd have some serious explaining to do. I didn't invite my boss to stay the night, and I certainly didn't invite him into my bedroom. I mean sure, I live in a trailor so there's not exactly many places to go, but c'mon....

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