Tuesday, June 23, 2009
As I mentioned recently, I was getting a bit bored with Melani. I really think it is the kid factor. So last night I decided to create a new Sim, an eeeevil Sim! I still couldn't decide if I was ready to let Melani go yet, so wasn't going to replace her until I was sure. I decided to create a new town, another Sunset Valley. Just looks like more rich people there, and if I'm going to be stealing, I might as well make it worth my time!
I went the predictable route - black hair, dark eyes and all black clothing. I figured it makes sense if I'm going to be creeping around at night. Although I'm thinking I might lighten her clothing load a bit, my husband put in his 2 cents on my 'hot sim' and said she should be in short skirts to distract all the men she'll be pinching stuff from. Yeah, um, we'll see...
I decided to make her an Evil Genius Kleptomaniac who is extremely Exciteable and Clumsy just to mix it up a bit. I'm curious to know if the Clumsy side will inhibit her abilities to steal - like if she'd drop something and get busted. And of course Exciteable for the thrills of it all.
I had the lifetime wish choices of being an Evil Mastermind, or be a Master Theif. I chose the theif route because although she is evil, and a genius, I don't want to play the super evil role. I sort of picture her more like Angelina Jolie in Gone in 60 Seconds - great theif, super cool.
The first thing I did was build her a little house. I'm curious to find out just how much stuff I can steal, so put only the bare minimum and cheapest options in. I'd like to see if I can not only furnish the entire house, but expand it with things that I steal...After that, it was time to hit up the criminal career center for a job. Which, as my husband pointed out, I have to work even though I've chosen a life as a theif. I mean really, isn't that how people get into stealing in the first place? They don't want a job? *rolls eyes* I've put it more down to learning the ropes than working for now, but I'd really like to see if I can make a living just from being bad...
I found it amusing the first wish outside of the 'get a job' one was to steal candy from a baby. The mother instincts part of me almost stopped me from accepting it. But I have to realise it's just a game and the kids aren't real lol. Unfortunately though I couldn't find a child with candy to steal it.
So far I've not really done anything more than work out (you need to be able to get away), work and hang about. Unfortunately I didn't get as much play time as I wanted last night as my real toddler decided that 10:30pm was a fantastic time to get up and refuse to go back to sleep. Joy.
The only exciting thing I really got to do was deliver a package. Work asked me to do it, and it was fun running around the backs of the buildings to deliver it. I laughed when I saw that I wasn't allowed to drop it - oops clumsy trait concern lol. But thankfully I'm not that clumsy and it made it there safely. I found it amusing that I had to deliver it to the City Hall - I naturally assumed they were corrupt, hubby said it was a bomb!
Other than that, I got the option to kick over a trash can. And yes, I did. =p I can also eat fiendishly, and instead of sleep, I get the option for an evil slumber. Apparently the evil side of me isn't left at work...
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