Sunday, June 21, 2009

at 7:34 PM Tags: , Posted by Haydies

When I want that break from my main Sim of choice, I can't. I get attached to my town and the people in it, but I don't always want to be playing the same Sim. Max is still waiting for me to get bored of Melani and come complete his music career - thank GOD Sims in other cities don't continue to age while you're away. Oh crap, I hope they don't!

I'm getting bored of Melani though. I think it's the kids factor. It's really bizarre - prior to me having children in real life, I always longed for the 'family' life in The Sims. Now, I have my own needy, attention seeking toddler and I'm wishing I had of focused Melani more on her career. I miss those morning jogs to work, the walking into town to do a spot of grocery shopping. The, freedom.

Part of the problem is the lack of prams. That really bugs me. No where do people carry their child everywhere they go - and I should know, I've got one of the most hip loving, velcro babies around. But still, I use a pram. So why can't Melani chuck Seth and Ricky into a tandem pram and walk to the shops? Hell for that matter - why can't she hold/carry TWO children at once. Sure, it's not the easiest thing in the world, but any woman who's had two children close together can agree with me that it can be done.

So yes, I'm getting a bit bored of the same routine that playing Melani brings. Get up, let Seth out, change Ricky, feed Seth, take a mouthful of food herself, feed ricky, let screaming Seth out, grab another mouthful of food, clean up Seth's mess, comfort Ricky, go to the toilet, play with Seth, change Ricky's nappy, cuddle Seth, blink. *takes a breath* Feed Ricky, feed Seth, grab a bite to eat and shower. Cuddle Seth, cuddle Ricky, change Ricky, put Seth in bed.... collapse. Sleep.

Rinse and repeat the very next day.

So I want to start a new Sim. I want to LIVE for goodness sakes!! I'm toying between having a really athletic Sim, but doesn't follow the athletic path. Or, going for a really fun way to play and making an insane, genious, kleptomaniac and seeing what 'wishes' they are given.

The only hurdle stopping me making another Sim, is the fact that I want them in THIS town, but I can't. In order to play a new Sim in the same town I have to give up Melani and let her age as the game sees fit. I'm not ready to say goodbye to her yet. But, if I put my new Sim in a new town, it doesn't feel the same. I want to be able to pass my own Sims, but without them getting a life of their own. But I want them to age, but I don't want them to split up or GOD FORBID have anymore children.

Ahh, the dilemnas. I think I'll just make a new town, but it's frustrating...


  1. You can turn story progression off, but I haven't.

    I do two things to make myself feel better about this problem. Firstly, I play on Epic so I don't lose too much of their lives (or at least have plenty of time to fix what's wrong), and I never leave a house I'm enjoying playing, 'cause it may never be the same again! LOL

    Some options for story progression would be nice in the next update ;-)

  1. Yeah I thought about turning progression off, but just to be difficult, I still want my town to age. I just don't want them to make any BIG descissions like having more kids.

    I also play on Epic as I like to play at my own pace. I find I feel rushed even on the long setting. I just age them with birthday cakes when I'm ready hehe.

    And yeah, I'm not really ready to stop playing Melani... which is what's causing the dilemna...