Saturday, September 12, 2009
I find it really amusing that The Waters Family, who I created to be a simple side distraction while I worked, has not only turned into the most interesting family I have, but is making my other families, the ones I created to play properly seem.... well, boring. I've been playing "The Banks" family the past few nights (Melani) and have found them mundane, easy and, really boring!
One of the kids had a birthday, woop dee do! Of course, my own daughter is fast approaching her second birthday, but that will only make her two. In the sims however, a third birthday makes you a 'child' and looks to be around the age of about seven instead of three... Baby Ricky as I think he will always be affectionately known, had his third birthday and aged into, well, a bit of a nerdy child - he wears a tie!
I did get a bit worried when I saw him eating his birthday cake. The position of his wrist just doesn't look normal! So far that seems to be the only anomaly I've seen, so I'll just put it down to him getting used to his larger body.
Apart from that though, the party went without a hitch and nothing even remotely interesting happened.
The same day as the party Melani got another promotion. I've already mentioned how she's a "super sim" and all that, so it was no surprise. I didn't realise it was the max level of the medical career promotion though - it was so easy to get there. It's still impressive to see her as a World Renowned Surgeon given she's never had a day of medical training in her life. She was in the Police Force prior to being poached over to the hospital from her forensic science expertise.
Sorry, but being able to examine dead guys doesn't exactly qualify you to work on the living. Still, I can't argue with her income. $631 an hour? Yes please!
Then again, the new work outfit raised an eyebrow for me. I get the white coat... I don't get it needing to be buttoned up to her chin, but I get it. The Dr. Evil gloves and boots however make me a tad concerned...
Unfortunately, an odd outfit and a dislocated wrist doesn't really qualify as excitement or even that interesting anymore. I've experienced the thrills of watching my sims being electrocuted or time-warped with their age. I've danced with the grim-reaper, thrown funerals and quit my job out of utter trauma.
Rubber gloves? Please. I need more than that now...
One thing did cause me to sit up last night though. It seems I went a bit 'building crazy' after Ricky's birthday party. I expanded the upstairs area to include a new bedroom for him and decided to add the bathroom and living area while I was up there. The next morning however, I didn't have enough money left to pay the maid who had to come and clean up all the mess.
And we'd been messy too I tell you. I let everyone go nuts and there were plates and spoiled food all over the place. I understand being a tad ticked off at not being able to be paid after having to work that hard, but they should also know I'm good for it. I've been using the service for a while now.
Unfortunately, loyalty is not a word that the maid service seems to know too well. In order to pay for the cleaning job just completed, the maid was going to help himself to some of my possessions. Fine, I'll cop that.
But what does this low life take? Remembering there is an entire house full of items he could choose from, this scum bag goes upstairs and takes this....
That's right, the KID'S BLOCK TABLE! I'm sorry, I don't care how much money someone owes you, when you're in a house of someone who is clearly doing ok with her life, don't go and help yourself to a child's possession. That's beyond low!
For the first time in the past 2 days of checking on Melani and household, I got angry. Not impressed with that! Grrrr lol
lmao he stole the kid's table? What a low life!