Friday, September 18, 2009

Very rarely do I loiter around the local graveyard, I just don't possess the Buffy ninja skills to fight anyone off. But recently, while trying to locate the Mysterious Mr. Gnome, I have been scanning past at night time to queue up the request to explore the catacombs for Thomas. I had forgotten that the Ghosts come out to play at night, and zoomed in a little closer when I noticed one wandering around.

This wasn't just any ghost however...


Yup, that right there is the ghost of Adrian Waters! I got really excited when I saw who it was haha. I had intended for Emily to try to find him back when he died, but then I got distracted with her emotional melt-down and all the drama that followed. And then I just plain forgot. I considered waking Emily up and bring her down there now, but who wants to be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night to be reminded of who isn't in your life anymore? No no, I let her sleep lol.

I was glad I did too! I didn't realise what ghosts get up to!! Oh my goodness! Not long after I found Adrian, he had the bed icon appear above his head - I didn't realise ghosts needed sleep lol.


As he started walking off I was going to leave, I assumed he was just going back to his grave to get some shut eye. I'm glad my curiosity to see him jump back into his grave made me hang around a bit longer and watch him, for my assumption of asleep was wrong! Oh he jumped into a grave alright, but it wasn't his!


At first I thought that perhaps it didn't matter what grave they jumped into, that the game might not make them jump into their actual grave. But that didn't really sit right with me. And the fact that the headstone was jumping around also had me confused. I REALLY wish I had of hit record, but I was too stunned when I realised what was going on. The headstone... was jumping... liiiiike the pillows in a bed being woo hoo'd in does...

Yeeees, now you're with me. Mr Adrian Waters was having a ghostly good time with Kiko Kimora there. Apart from the fact she sounds like a girl ready for a good time, this cracked me right up. I didn't even think ghosts could woo hoo haha!! I guess Adrian can't be too upset that Emily is off doing the hanky panky with other sims then LOL!

After a few seconds (yes sorry Adrian, you really weren't in there that long), he popped back up and started having a conversation with another fellow. I did take note of his name when I saw it him, but didn't think to write it down.


Previously, Max ran into a little girl who dripped water when she walked. Ghost sims reflect how they have died, and dripping water would be drowning. I noticed Adrian had periodic sparks flow through his body (electricity) and this guy, who glowed red, has obviously died in a fire of some sort.

I watched Adrian and this guy chat away for a good 10 minutes which was amusing. I shouldn't have been surprised given what I had just witnessed not a few minutes earlier, but I found it kinda cool that ghosts can appear to raise their reputation with other ghosts.


After their conversation ended, the fire man wandered off. I found it cool that perhaps Adrian could find the friends in death he never could in real life. Then again, maybe not...


I realise that the smell of burnt skin and hair probably isn't that tolerable for too long, but do you even have the use of your lungs to breath, let alone nostrils to smell when your dead? Then again, maybe the other guy farted? That'd be really bad if your ass is constantly on fire still...

Adrian just stood there for a while before wandering off with the following sim in his thoughts...


I can't quite make out if he's thinking about himself or not, it doesn't exactly look like Adrian. Who ever it is though, they look bloody scary!! And evil... which is why I wondered if he was thinking of himself.

As the night was ending and I noticed it was getting lighter, I watched Adrian walk over to the concrete bench in front of the catacomb entrance to lie down and fall asleep. No idea why he didn't go back to his grave, I'm sure his casket would be more comfy. You can also see his electricity sparks here which is cool. Took me ages to get that image as it happens really quickly - just like his passing lol.


I noticed by this time that Thomas was already out of bed and on his bike on the way to the graveyard. I got really excited at the thought that he might see Adrian given where he was lying! Unfortunately, it was not to happen as moments before Thomas arrived, Adrian... well... poofed!


Another day perhaps. Then again, I'd hate to have Thomas see his dad doing the horizontal tango with another ghost. That'd really mess you up!


  1. OMG! Amazing!
    should be truly cool if we can still control death sims and play with them, right???