Monday, September 14, 2009

Last time I played The Waters family, Susie age-glitched into a teen, completely bypassing her childhood. After much internal debate on what to do, I decided to follow my gut feeling and just keep plowing ahead. Thankfully this matched the reader feedback so I wasn't at too much risk of pissing any of you off LOL. And thankyou everyone for your comments and suggestions!!

After decided to just go with the flow..., I was happy to see that it really didn't appear to be affecting anyone at all. In fact, it didn't even appear to be a blip on their radar of weirdness, which was of course, wierd!

Since Melani was having her own life drama, I decided to leave her to settle in with Hal for a bit and tonight, I stuck my head back in on the Waters to see if everything was still running smoothly. It was... scarily so.

Thomas was still doing well in school. Outside of school he was making friends and appeared to be doing ok. With all that's happened recently - Adrian and Richard (Grandpa) dying, Emily being unable to cope with it all, and Susie aging up too quickly, the poor boy has been feeling a bit pushed aside lately. I've not yet seen this wish come up...


After a quick hug and a chat to mum, the wish was granted. The poor bugger must have been feeling very ignored...

Emily has been staying out of his room for the past few days, which is not sitting well with her need to clean every room in the house... hourly. For some reason that she can not work out, Thomas has become very secretive about his room, and his computer time.

Susie is not so abiding by his requests for privacy and went in to grab a pen so she could finish her homework the other day. Thomas wasn't home, and Susie wasn't about to miss another day's homework and risk Emily finding out she's been slacking off and talking to the boys more than paying attention. Expecting nothing more than a messy boys room and perhaps some undesirable reading material, Susie was shocked to find it was much, much more.


Quickly filling Thomas' almost bare room were gems, butterflies, gold and iron bars. The butterflies she could explain away, boys always like to torture bugs. But the gems? The iron and gold bars?! These were not normal possessions for a young boy. Especially not a boy from a family barely able to afford food. Something was up here, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

For now, Susie decided she wasn't going to tell her mother. She wanted to find out what was going on first, she didn't see any point in upsetting Emily if there was no real reason to. Perhaps Thomas did have a believable excuse...

Susie herself was doing ok. Struggling with school work due to being dumped into high school with absolutely no primary school education what so ever, she's been frustrated and abandoning her homework for more enjoyable activities. She's been wanting to raise her logic skill in the hope it will help her succeed at school and has been begging Emily constantly for a telescope. Using the only current funds the household has, Emily caved and made the purchase.

Susie was ecstatic and ran outside to use it straight away. Five minutes later she returned inside (as she has "hates the outdoors" as one of her traits) to complain to Emily about the bugs, wind and bright sun. She immediately started asking for a chess table she could use inside instead. Emily could only sigh... it didn't bode well for her finances if Susie was going to be one of those children who constantly had their hand out.

Emily told her she could play chess on the computer and make do until she could afford a table of her own. With a sigh and a groan, Susie jumped online. The teenage frustration quickly changed however when Susie discovered there was more to the computer than 2D pixelated chess - there was the ability to chat to all her friends at school, browse the Internet and so much more.

Quickly, scanning her options, Susie discovered the pot of gold...


It didn't take her long to start poking fun at the members of the forum she visited. I couldn't quite make out what kind of forum she was on, but there was some shaking of fists and angry typing. I can only assume it was a gaming forum of some sort, I know they do my head in pretty quickly most times lol. Or perhaps it was a forum for teenagers to complain about their cheap, money hording parents? Who knows...


What ever forum she was on however, it caused enough of an impact for Susie to finally get a lifetime wish pop up. Obviously when you create a sim, you get to choose their lifetime goal before they even enter the world, but for children growing up, you have to pick them. Normally you chose when they transition from a toddler to a child, however Susie was only a child for approximately 15 minutes, so I never got the chance.

So far I've only had to choose a lifetime wish for two children - Seth and Ricky, Melani's boys. I'm still waiting for Thomas' wish to appear. So far I've had two author wishes come up, so was happy to see something different this time.


Um, Astronaut Susie? Really? That's reaching for the stars a bit isn't it? Oh, reaching for the stars... har har I crack myself up. *rolls eyes* All puns aside, that's a bit rich for a child who never attended primary school and is barely coping with high school. That will be an interesting life goal to accomplish. I guess I better make her quit her job at the local spa and start working a bit harder towards outer space huh?

With the kids appearing to be coping just fine, Emily has been busying herself with her book writing - a new found talent she is thoroughly enjoying. With her first Sci-Fi book hitting the shelves just days ago, she has begun working on another Drama novel. With the two deaths fuelling the first, it's Susie's age jump that is the inspiration for the follow up...

Working at the Grocery store is still going well - mind numbingly easy and suiting her just fine. Looking over the vegetables the other day, she had a wish come up to do a spot of gardening. Feeling the fond memories of Adrian welling up inside, she pocketed an apple seed to bring home and plant. After Adrian's hard work perished, she thought it fitting to chose that as her first seed to plant - Adrian always loved his apple trees.



  1. She certainly is a conflicted young woman... for someone that hates the outdoors, she keeps wanting to do things that require being out there!