Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I have a funny feeling that Aion is going to distract me quite a bit for a little while - the freshness that comes with a new game, the joy of being back in a MMORPG and all that. But I'm not going to be neglecting or forgetting my sims just yet. Even when I was playing Aion last night, I couldn't help but sit here wondering how Melani was going to cope with all those children. Or how Emily was going trying to find a man.
Of course, one sim who I haven't check in on in a while is Max. After he reached the max level of his music career and became a big pop star, there wasn't really much more for me to do with him. Sure I could raise his fitness levels and such, but where's the fun in just getting up and going to the gym each day, every day, all day. Of course, my husband is probably reading that right now going "Um... nothing?! What are you kidding me woman?!" lol. But I hate exercise enough as it is, I'm not going to sit here and watch my sims do it lol.
Of course, what makes a sim's live interesting? Families!! Girlfriends, wives, kids! All the things that cause mass amounts of chaos, and all the things I have purposely avoided with Max. I started wondering if I should just cave and let poor kid laden down Melani version 2 move in. Ironically, she has I think 5 kids now? 3 to Max and I think another two to her husband Eric lol. Clearly no matter where she's located, Melani is just a walking child machine.
When I consider hooking them up however, in comes that whole "I don't want to play two Melanis" factor. I mean, it gets confusing for me, I can't imagine what it does to you poor readers lol. No, I'm going to make Max stay away from the Melani in his town from now on I think. Just stick to playing one Melani for now. Which means... I need to find Max a new woman! All the ones he's been attracted to so far have out-aged him by two stages, so they are no longer eligible in my books. Young Adult and Elder? Yuck lol.
So I sent Max into town, to the Bistro which seemed to the gathering place of the evening and let him run loose talking to anyone and everyone. Remembering my theory - how some sims are just meant to be - I noticed he was getting along particularly well with one sim. I think Max has found his mate!!
That right there is Bella Bachelor lol! And they are hitting it off BIG TIME. I've never followed any of the PC controlled families before, but even I know that name and know that Max is stealing her away from some other guy in town haha. Awesome!
I don't think who ever it is will have much of a chance now that Max has worked his moves on her though - I think she's in luuuuuurve.
I'll be very interested to see where this goes now lol. I'm all excited that he's stealing someone elses woman - and in a good way, not like he did with Melani and Eric lol. I did make Max ask if Bella was single, and she still is currently. Which makes her fair game! I love the name Bella, I think the sim version is really pretty and of course, she's not an elder yet so she ticks all my approval boxes!!
Hrm, I might just have to stick around Max for a bit and see what happens next...
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