Thursday, September 10, 2009
With the recent Susie Waters predicament, I decided to take a bit of a break last night and stick my head in to see how Melani and family are doing. The last time I played this family, Melani was beating poor Seth with the football in a game of catch, so I was happy to see everyone getting along and being friendly when I logged in.
Unfortunately though, it appears the game of catch has left a bit of a scar as Seth is in the red and 'unfriendly' with Melani at the moment. I don't quite know what to do about this as I know that kids and parents fight all the time, but Seth really doesn't like Melani at all at the moment. Maybe he's going to be one of those kids that fights with their parents?
Then again, at least that would bring an interesting aspect to the family. After all that's happened with the Waters family, I found it really hard and boring with the 'everything is going fine' Banks household. Grandma is still alive, painting her little arms off and pitching in with the kids more than most grandparents do. Melani is rising through the ranks of the medical career and apart from cheater Hal (who's still very into her), hasn't had any men die on her. And of course both kids are doing well.
Of course, I don't remember anyone saying perfect is entertaining.
Back to the immediate issue at hand though, it was bugging me, especially when it appeared that nothing Melani did could improve his feelings. I did make her give a fairly good go at patching it up too, but at the end of the day, children can be pretty stubborn with their sulky episodes, so I had to walk away lol. Bodes well for my poor daughter using emotional blackmail on me huh?
Later in the day though, when Seth had a wish to have a sleep over and I chose his best friend, everything started to make sense. Check out the reaction to a "do you want to play tag?" request...
EVIL!! Evil, evil, evil!! In a completely different town to the Waters family and evil is still around! This does help explain Seth's sudden shift in attitude towards Melani. I mean I know the game of catch was pretty brutal, but to still hold a grudge after this long? Something else has to be coming into play there... and I think we know what's influencing it.
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