Saturday, September 26, 2009
When I popped in to check on Max the other day, I thought it would very a very quick look in and then I would jump over to either Melani Banks, or The Waters Family. I should learn that what ever I think never turns out to my the case with my sims. I mean, I thought the Waters would be one family that I didn't end up playing and look how that turned out. I thought Melani Banks would be boring and play the suburban role of happy families, and look at her.
So why, when I look at Max, his maxed out career and easy going single life, did I think it would be boring? Did I honestly thing the game would let me lose interest in him? Because honestly, I was thinking along the lines of not bothering with him anymore and instead just concentrate on the two "family" sims. Nope, not going to happen.
While Max is off with Melani doing things he really shouldn't, it seems Bella has been busy making new "friends" of her own. During the middle of one of Max's concerts the other night, Bella decided to pop into town to pick up a few groceries... but that's not all she checked out.
Judging by that last image and the negative thoughts about Bella, she's either gotten around town a bit more before Max met her. Or, they're friends of Max and know that she should either be at the concert or at home. Either way... I can't see Bella and Max lasting long if their both going to let their eyes wander...
Ironically, not long after Bella got back home I had the following message pop up
Hrm... I wonder if there was anything behind that friendship break.
P.S. I don't even want to KNOW what is going on in the background behind Bella!!!
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