Sunday, September 27, 2009
The other day I made a post: Max! Leave her alone!! Apart from the obvious "what are you two doing together" factor to it, I also mentioned how I wasn't 100% sure if the baby inside Melani was in fact Max's. I could only assume it was his because who goes around feeling and listening to other people's tummies just for fun? Also, as yumiki53 pointed out, it most likely is Max's baby because in the second screenshot I shared, Max had the wish to read a pregnancy book. Who would want to read a pregnancy book if they have no child on the way.
Not 5 minutes into gaming last night, I got the confirmation message. While Max slept peacefully in bed with his new love Bella, Melani went through the agony of childbirth and gave birth to Max's child, a baby girl. I can only hope that Eric was by her side...
Thankfully only one and not twins this time lol. Unfortunately, although I did screenshot the message as the name was really unusual, I stuffed up and saved another screenshot over it. Because the in game screen capture feature doesn't include the interface, I have to use the Print Screen button and then paste into a Paint or Photoshop. Of course, all those are then given the name of Untitled 1 or 2 or so on.
So I took the shot of the baby's name, saved as untitled 1 quickly and went back to the game. Later on I got another shot, went to save it and realised the name was also untitled 1, went to cancel and instead hit enter without thinking (hands moved faster than brain) and boom... first image gone.
But trust me, the kid is Max's lol.
You want to know what the second image was that saved over that first, oh so important image? This!
Yes, ironic huh? See the face of the sim that belongs too...?
Yup! Bella is pregnant! Clearly Max has very active swimmers... it must be from the boxers and not briefs (or nothing at all) this Rock star wears under his pants.
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