Thursday, November 19, 2009
So, I got it. World Adventures. Despite not being in the mood for Sims yesterday, I decided to pick up World Adventures today since I was 5 minutes from the shops as it was. And ironically, tonight, I'm in the mood to play. I think it's the "new shiny toy" factor to be honest.
I'm installing it on my PC as my PC will handle it better and has a bigger monitor. Which means, I will be starting over from scratch, with a new family. I could have just copied my files over from my laptop and continued with The Waters, The Banks and poor Max with his 6 babies. But at the moment I just don't have enough time to take care of 3 families.
Instead, I'm going to create a SINGLE family and play them through. So far I've not gotten to see any of my second generation from any of my families grow up, and I'd like to experience that. So, for now, I will create a new little sim to guide me along their journey.
I'm sure I'll still pop on later to see how the other families are doing, but for the time being, I need nice... easy... mindless... drama free! lol.
I've just finished installing both The Sims and World Adventures on the PC and am currently wrestling the with the torture that is the EA websites to redeem my simpoints, special items etc. IF I can get all that done, I might actually get to play tonight!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm very sorry to tell you all, that I will no longer be blogging (often) about my Sims any longer. I know some of you won't be surprised by this announcement, I've hardly been consistent over the past couple of weeks.
While I LOVE my Sims dearly, I'm a MMORPG gamer at heart and Aion has latched it's addictive claws into me and won't let go. With an extremely active toddler who doesn't understand computer time (or nap time for that matter), work commitments (I work from home) and the glorious time that is Summer just around the corner, I just don't have enough time to play or blog about The Sims.
I wish I did, I really do. I really love what they've done with The Sims 3. And just as much as I want time to play The Sims, I want time to blog about it. Unfortunately, at the moment, I'm having to force myself to play just so I can get enough material to blog, and that's not how it should be. I blogged because I loved how much was happening to my sims and had to share with someone... anyone.
It's the whole "work to live, don't live to work" motto. Of course, different when talking about blogging and gaming lol, but still, the same thing. I should blog because I love playing, not play because I have to blog...
I will leave The Nutty Simmer here, and should/when I ever get time to jump on and see what my families are doing, I will update it. So please feel free to follow it, add it to your readers etc and keep an eye for when it does update. I'm not promising any dedicated time frames as I'm not even playing The Sims at the moment, so it will be a case of when the mood strikes. I'm sure once the expansion hits, I'll certainly log back in for a bit.
For now, I leave Max and Bella with their 6 children and The Waters Family coping and not doing too bad - Susie joined the Army and is doing really well. I'm not too sure on Melani and Hal as I've not checked in on them since houses merged... I'm sure their doing ok.
So for now, I wish you all happy gaming. I hope to find enough time to game and get everything I want done each day so I can load up my little sims every once in a while. For now, I'll just settle for at least 1 hour of play time of anything a day lol.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I have a confession to make - six babies is HARD!!! OMG it was crazy how much work was involved with children when they can't walk, can't talk and don't have too much problem being left in their cribs all day. With with six of them, it was full time work for the babysitters, something Max and Bella just couldn't live without.
I decided enough was enough with the crazy babies and aged them up - the first lot of twins were only a few days off anyway, and I sped the game up to speed 3 for a couple of weeks (game time weeks) so there was still some gap.
With six kids, I wasn't about to video record each one lol, so instead, here's the mug shots of each toddler!

I think Max is finally happy to have them age up and be able to crawl around on their own - he's developed a bit of a 'twitch'...
It seems his arm appears to be stuck in the "hold the baby" possition. But it gets worse... randomly over night, he keeps standing up in bed while holding an invisble baby. Poor guy LOL
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
So, a VERY interesting proposition popped up on my screen when I returned to the sims after my recent break - something I was so not expecting to see...
Whaaaa? But... but... Melani and Max don't have anything to do with each other anymore? Melani is gone from his life, what is this? The only thing I could think of was that they still wanted to remain friends because of the kids...
I decided that if I could move Melani and the kids into Max's place, that I would do it. I could explain it away as Eric having finally had enough and leaving, which of course would devastate Melani and she'd have no where to go. Being that they are Max's kids, he'd take them in. It would also of course, make for very interesting watching.
Sadly though, not only was there no option to move them to Max's place, instead being forced into Melani's 2 bedroom house... and Eric was included in the package. Um, no thanks. Not wanting to leave Bella behind, that makes 4 adults... and of course, a whole lot more kids!! Sadly, to many for one household.
That was the end of that then. I wasn't about to leave Bella with 6 babies to look after, not to mention I really didn't want to play a Max/Melani/Eric family lol, that's just a little too bizarre for my liking. So, it was all called off. Max will stay with Bella, and Melani withe Eric.
Kinda a shame that I couldn't fit everyone under the same roof, would have been hectic, but very interesting LOL!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
SO Sorry for the lack of updates guys! My daughter turned 2 yesterday (Wed 21st) and I spent all the start of the week getting ready for our big day out at the Zoo. And of course her party is this Saturday, so been running around getting that all sorted.
I promise I'll get some updates up real soon! Which family do you want to know about first?
Friday, October 16, 2009
When you have your first child, you blow a roll of film on their first poop. You record everything - their first outfit, first smile, the first time they try food. Their first attempt at crawling and of course first steps. Everything is new, fantastic and must be documented.
By the second child, you take photos of your first child holding the second, playing with the second etc. And you remember to capture their first steps, and their first birthday.
By the third... you capture their first birthday and any other shot they happen to be in with the other kids.
Now... what if your first child is actually a twin? And then what if your next birth is also twins? It has to be even worse, right? This is the only thing I can use to explain my complete lack of screenshot captures or video footage when Bella not only became pregnant again, but also went into labour for the third time. With 4 newborns to chase after already - which is not an easy feat let me tell you - I completely forgot to stop and celebrate Bella's third pregnancy. Sorry Bella.
Of course, with no "look at Bella - she's pregnant again" image, I have to jump in a bit late and mention that after Max and Bella's fight, they both returned home around the same time and had a good talk. Max appologised for his overreaction, and Bella explained that yes she had said no, but that was only until the other babies had grown up a bit.
After their talk, they both agreed to wait a little bit, but fate decided to step in because a few days later, poor Bella was throwing up every 5 minutes. Checking the age of the 4 babies already, there was no way they were going to age up to toddlers before the new arrival, so I purchase yet another cot.

Ta-da!! A little girl. Does the name look familiar at all? Unfortuantely when you have so many babies to look after, you don't have to time to get to know them very well, and I'm a little ashamed to say I wasn't keeping track of their names. This was the second Samantha baby to receive this name lol. I later sent Max down to the Town Hall to change her name to Kelly....
In what is becoming a bachelor tradition, the fun didn't stop there...

You've GOT to be kidding me??!! TWINS?! AGAIN?!!
Yes... twin girls. I was so not expecting this and compeltely freaked out for a moment or two lol. How the hell was I going to look after SIX BABIES?!
I'm so glad I discovered the random trait generator as there's just no way I could have through up yet more combinations after 6 babies lol.
Of course, the Nursery had to be redesigned - it was already hard enough walking from room to room with two sets of twins, I wasn't about to add on a third room for these two. With the existing nursery layout, I couldn't fit 4 cots into one room, which meant the new twins would have had to be seperated and I didn't want that either.
So instead, I knocked out the wall dividing the two rooms and put all 6 babies into the one massive room. I had to add doors at each end as it was impossible for everyone to get in and out with just the one.
With six babies, I now have a babysitter full time, so that's also a third sim that needs to get in and out... well, IN because the poor babysitter doesn't ever leave the room there's that much to do. What a cruel employer I am - no break, no toilet, no food LOL.
I really hate how you have to hire a babysitter everytime you need them and can't put them on any sort of schedule. I mean, I need them more than just when Max goes to work so it doesn't really matter at the moment, but still annoying. For now, I resign to calling for a babysitter just after midnight each night - a babysitter only lasts till the end of the day you call them, so calling them at 12:01am gives me 24 hours of assistance as they leave at midnight the following day.
If anyone is ever feeling bored with The Sims and wants to try something new - 6 babies. Trust me, you barely have enough time to blink and everyone gets pushed to their limits lol. Thankfully Max has pulled his socks right up, because there is NO WAY Bella could do this on her own... what a different life Max leads now...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I have to interrupt the program viewing to share this absolutely wiked Machinima linked to me. I am seriously in aw of people who have the skills to create things like this...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Max and Bella have had their first fight since their blissfully happy relationship began. And the reason behind the fight is just as surprising as the fight itself - and no, it has nothing to do with Melani.
Believe it or not, the disagreement was over Max wanting MORE babies!! I know... "whaaaaaat??"
But it's true. With four newborn babies already, plus how ever many he's had with Melani, the man who couldn't handle it has done a complete 180 and now wants another baby!! I think it's having boys honestly, I think what ever it was about having Seth and Max Junior has made Max want to do it all again.
Of course, poor Bella freaked out and told him no way. And Max, having never been told "no" before, didn't know how to react. Like all men, he stuffed it up big time. Throwing a tanty that would rival any toddlers, he stormed out of the house and, of course, ended up at Melani's.
Unfortunately that too was going to backfire in his face...
After telling Melani about the situation at home, she decided that Max was just far too much drama for what he was worth and told him to leave not long after this picture was taken. I mean, you can't blame her - she hasn't called or made contact of any sort, and here Max is putting all his problems on her, then leaning in for some comfort kissing. C'mon Max, get a clue.
Bella was more sensible with her reaction to Max's wish. After her initial "no way" response to the thought of having more babies so soon after TWO sets of twins, she decided to clear her head. Hiring a babysitter, something that was becoming a regular occurrence with 4 babies, Bella went for a run...
The fresh air did her head good and before she knew it, she was at central park - quite a run from their secluded mountain home.
Not quite ready to head back home straight away, Bella took some breathing time to sit on one of the park benches that overlooked the small pond to watch the fish swim. It was not long before the trance inducing fish allowed Bella's emotional and physical drain to catch up with her...
Poor Bella...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
With the wedding joy wearing off, the house of Max and Bella was beginning to return to normal. Max was back signing autographs, holding concerts and playing for tips to help pay for Bella's spending habbits. The twins already had the best cots available, and with a new bubba on the way, they would be treated equally as well.
Although Max was freaking out at the possibility of more children with Bella, which I find funny because he never freaked out with Melani's kids, since he didn't have to worry about taking care of them, I'm excited! I know Bella adores Max, and she's over the moon about being pregnant again, although we're both a little scared about having another baby so close after having the twins. Then again, it means they will all be friends as they grow up since they're only going to be like a week apart haha. Damn the sim pregnancy for only lasting 4 days, not very realistic...
Our excitement quickly changed however, when Bella didn't give birth to just one more baby... but ANOTHER set of twins!!

Crap! LOL. Oh well, at least these ones are boys, that's kinda cool - twin girls, then twin boys.
Remembering the random trait chooser, I happily made use of it to tell me what type of children these new additions were going to be...

Eek, an insane trait? Bugger lol. Then again, any child to a rock star is at risk of being just a little bit insane haha.
But two heavy sleepers? Cool! Hopefully that means they won't keep Bella and Max up too much haha. And yup, Max has been helping out which is a good thing - partly because he feels guilty for putting Bella into a situation of 4 babies so quickly in their relationship, but also because he's quite chuffed at having two boys of his own - one even named after him.
Regardless of the motives, I'm happy to see him stepping up his game a bit and helping out...
Monday, October 12, 2009
With Bella being pregnant again, she decided to take the relationship matters into her own hands. She gave Max an ultimatum - marry her, or leave!! Yikes! Being brought up in a fairly old fashioned way, Bella didn't believe in kids before marriage but had let the first birth slide as she was terrified of Max leaving her at the time. Now, things were different, she wasn't afraid to go at it alone should be chose to run. Two pregnancies and a 3rd child on the way, it was time for Max to step up and do the right thing, or she'd find another man who could.
Thankfully Max is just as smitten with Bella as she is with him. I don't know why Max insists on still seeing Melani if he's so in love with Bella, but at least he's doing the right thing here. That, or he's doing what ever is necessary to keep her.
Now remember yesterday's blog showed Max having the wish to propose to Bella, and yet the video shows it the other way round? I didn't manage to get a screenshot for some odd reason (I'm sure I took one), but Bella also had the wish come up to ask Max for his hand in marriage. I figured this might be a bit more believable coming from her - how many of us would have trusted Max had he been the one doing the asking?
Even though Bella was already pregnant for the wedding, I had thought ahead enough to pre-plan her outfit, so she was able to wear a proper wedding gown. I'm still disappointed that poor Emily had to get married in a simple summer dress because you can't "plan outfits" when already pregnant. But you can change into one... so I just made sure Bella already had her wedding dress ready and waiting. I couldn't watch a sim as pretty as her get married in her house clothes.
And what a beautiful bride she made!!

I decided to have a simple home wedding as the twins were still just babies and they would either be left behind, or left on the ground! Neither of which was an acceptable option for me. They were just as much part of the family as Bella and Max and deserved to be present at the wedding, even if it was just in the Nursery. This is where I'd LOVE to have swings or bouncers in game as they could have been out with everyone else.
Max and Bella also have a big enough house to make a wedding there a possibility - a bonus side effect of the house being designed around lots of parties for Max.
Like all weddings, there were nerves and I will admit to watching Max like a hawk as I was really worried he might do a runner. He doesn't exactly depict the pillar of stability here does he?

Then again, neither does Bella... I just put it down to all nerves and hoped the wedding went without a hitch. It was an uncomfortable start to the day which wasn't helping my nerves any.
I'm still disappointed there is absolutely nothing special about a wedding - no cut scene, no ability to really "walk down the isle" etc. I realise Bella's dad is no longer with us, but perhaps Michael (her brother) could have given her away or something a bit more wedding like? Instead, they all just loitered around until rings were exchanged...
I have to give props to Max for not answering his phone. The whole time it was ringing I was waiting for him to answer it, and waiting for it to be Melani or something equally bad. Then again, she's not called Max at all since Eric had a go at him, nor has Max really had any new wishes come up to see her so who knows what's going on there.
The wedding went without a hitch, and without a wedding cake which is another pet peeve of mine. I mean c'mon EA - you KNOW this game is played by a majority female and gay audience, you KNOW we want to have dream weddings and you can't even give us a wedding cake? Poor form...
Still, cake or no cake, Max and Bella are now husband and wife. Because Bella asked Max, all surnames changed to "Bachelor" which bugged me as I didn't even have the option to choose which surname would be used, but I'll live with it. I could go down to town hall and change them all to Amillion which was Max's surname, but meh... not that worried lol.
Here's to a happy marriage!! *chink*
Saturday, October 10, 2009
So I decided to load up my little simmies yesterday morning while I did some work on the other computer. Figuring Max had been left to his own devices for long enough, he would be the family I would check in on first.
All I can say... is I'm exhausted! Seriously! This post isn't even scratching the surface of everything that's happened in a few hours of game play (actually, I let them run all day and nearly all night), and it will all have to be spread over the next few days lol. That said, it was easy to leave them up to their own devices while I did other things, so I might just do that from now on. Let's me keep following their stories without actually having to designate "play" time for them...
Ok, so we left off last time with a Max > Melani > Bella love triangle... except of course, Bella didn't know about Melani so it's not really a "triangle" as much as it is Max being a cheating schmuck. Bella had just given birth to twins, who of course witnessed the "betrayal" that was Max and Melani making out in front of not only them, but also Melani's partner Eric as well as Bella's brother Michael.
I still don't know how Bella could have missed what was going on as she walked through the house while Melani and Max were arm in arm and oblivious to anyone except each other. But, she hadn't... Bella had no idea. Obviously her brother hasn't told her, although they appear to have had a falling out as they are no longer friends, and Eric either didn't care, or didn't want to see Bella hurt so soon after having her twins.
I kinda felt sorry for Bella, especially when I logged in to see three of Max's current wishes:

Oh Max... are you serious? You want to marry Bella (which is a good thing), yet still want to keep Melani on the side and now you want to meet someone new?! This is not the sim I created... actually, wait, it kinda is. Thinking back... when I wanted to see what the Rock Star career path was like, I had planned to make him sleep with all his groupies lol. I pictured him sleeping around with lots of women, who of course all worshiped the ground he walked on. Unfortunately what actually happens is different to what was portrayed by EA in their Sims 3 Videos of a rockstar and no one even knows who he is unless he holds an autograph signing session.
And of course now... there's kids involved. I never planned for any kids. Hearts will be broken, children scarred and families ruined.
I do and I don't feel bad. He is a rock star after all... none of us can be that surprised by his behaviour. How many rock stars do you know settle down straight away and stay that way? Not many. That said, it still surprises me every time I see a wish come up to call another female, or to see Melani. Max doesn't have the lifetime wish to be a heart breaker like Hal does in my other family does, who ironically, has basically settled down to play happy families with the other Melani LOL.
Regardless of who Max touches however... he's clearly one fertile sim. After playing for less than an hour yesterday, Bella announced that she was pregnant, again. As you can tell from the images below, Max seemed quite surprised by this news...

You understand his confusion when you realise he's been spending all his spare time somewhere else... can you guess where?

Yup, at Melani's. Both the children Max and Melani have together, as well as the kids Melani has with Eric, all hate Max. I can't blame them, they all see him as a home wrecker. I'm not even sure if Melani's told all the children who their father is, or if she's just allowed everyone involved to believe Eric is the father to all. Either way, Melani's kids want nothing to do with Max which apparently, suits him just fine.
I think having kids of his own, at home that is, has freaked him out as he's constantly had the wish to go out on the town pop up, along with catching up with Melani and chatting to every other sim other than Bella or his twin girls at home. Clearly he is a man scared and desperately wanting to hold onto his youthfull, carefree party ways.
Like all love rats however, your dirty deeds eventually get found out, and after Max was brazen enough to flirt with Melani out the front of her house, while Eric was home, it was time someone finally spoke up.

I'm not sure if the previous flirting, kissing and canoodling at Max's party was viewed as nothing more than a few too many drinks and Eric shrugged it off or not, but clearly there was no such reason for an excuse this time and Eric grew a back bone. Good on ya Eric!
What isn't apparent in the images though, is that Melani walks off when Eric confronts Max. She separated herself as far as she could and took to looking after the kids inside... interesting.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm completely and utterly smitten with Aion at the moment, which is no surprise as MMORPG's have been a love of mine for the past 10 years almost. The problem however, is that I just don't have enough time to play The Sims constantly while also playing Aion, which currently I'm on every night, as well as maintain my sims blog and my Aion blog.
Originally I had planned to alternate one night in each game, but I find that harder and harder to do, especially as I now have friends playing Aion with me.
Then I decided to upgrade my PC so I could play Aion on there and leave Sims running on my laptop to continue their stories. The problem with that though is Sims still require a fair amount of interaction, and both games tend to suffer because of it.
So... I don't know what to do. I don't want to just dump my sims off, but I don't want to feel like I should be playing them just to blog either. I've been watching the google analytics numbers and the amount of readers hitting this blog has dropped every day - I'm not sure if that's due to the family I am currently writing about or if it's a sign that my updates are not enough to keep people interested. That said I never had a lot, only 50 or so a day, but it's now down to almost 10 lol.
While I won't remove the blog, I'm not playing the Sims a lot (some days at all) and that means updates are going to be far and few between - we're talking maybe a week or more. Then of course, I feel guilty for those loyal few who are addicted to my little families as much as I am and want to know what's happening...
What do I do? Does anyone have any solutions?
Monday, October 5, 2009
With all that's happened in the lives of The Waters family, it really isn't any huge surprise that the kids are going off the rails just a little bit. Thomas is hacking government agencies, building an alarming collection of gems, rocks and bugs as well as hanging out with the wrong age group in less than desirable locations. Until recently, Susie has just been 'existing'. Nothing has been too unusual - her school work has been less than stellar but that's to be expected since she skipped her entire primary school years. What's stood out the most is the fact that she not made any friends, which is surprising as a teenager, but she's a very withdrawn child.
If she's not in school or working her part time job, Susie spends all of her time inside, and most of it inside her room. Emily was starting to get concerned that Susie's next birthday was approaching fast and she felt that she really needed to get herself sorted if she was going to have any sort of career after school. Emily knew she wanted to join the military, but they usually require at least half way decent school grades as a start, something Susie can barely claim.
For the better part of the last week or so Susie has been particularly grumpy and sullen. Emily tried to talk to her about it, but like any typical teenager, she was in no mood to share feelings. Emily had suspicions it was to do with her part time job at the local spa, something that Susie used as an escape. Emily had over heard the gossip mongers at the local supermarket comment that she was not doing well and was barely holding onto her job at all.
With this knowledge under her belt, Emily went home and approached Susie once more, asking specifically how she was going at work. It was that prompting that caused Susie to break down... she began crying and sharing her fears that she was going to get fired.
Emily is a wonderful mother however, and immediately jumped into ensure Susie that everything would be ok, that she just needed to apply herself a bit more. After a good chat Susie appeared to perk up a little bit. And everything is fixed with a good hug from mum...
During their talk, Emily offered to give Susie her birthday presentv a couple of days early, in the hopes it would help boost her confidence. It was a full length mirror which Susie was extremely happy to receive and something every teenage girl needs - no more having to share the only mirror in the house in the bathroom. Emily was also hoping that if Susie made an extra effort with her appearance it would also help impress her employer.
Susie started to spend a lot of time checking herself out... a little more than the average teenage girl. Morning, noon and night Susie would check and double check she was looking ok, even when she never left the house.
Emily wondered if there was perhaps a boy behind the sudden interest in Susie caring about her appearance so much. Especially when the day of Susie's birthday occurred and she noticed her dressing a lot younger than her age.
While she stayed true to her grumpy attitude, her dress style went down a notch. Previously Susie dressed in pants, a t-shirt and a jacket, something Emily felt was a little old for her age bracket, but at least it wasn't the scampy shirts and dresses that a lot of the other teenage girls around town wore. Imagine Emily's surprise when Susie came out in one of those very same little dresses that Emily despises.
After Rainer had proved time and time again what a good guy he is, Emily didn't think twice to ask for his assistance with the matter. While yes, he hadn't known Susie for that long, perhaps he could shed some insight or at least help her understand the sudden shift. What he shared threw Emily more than she could ever had expected.
Susie had approached Rainer the other night after dinner, after Emily had gone to bed and asked for assistance with her homework.
At first Rainer thought nothing of it, but something kept niggling in the back of his mind. He didn't want to tell Emily at first as she was the last person he wanted to upset, especially when she was nearing the end of her pregnancy at the time it happened.
The other morning however, after Rainer had returned from his morning workout in the gym, Susie kept staring at him over breakfast. Not only was she staring, but she continually commented on his physique, asking him about his workouts, his muscles etc. Susie commented it on enough to make Rainer a little uncomfortable.
Emily was so confused. While she trusted Rainer explicitly, she also knew that both the children have been through so much so early in life, and poor Susie must be so confused with any emotions she might be having as she transcends from a teenager to a young adult. But then what if Rainer was wrong, what if it was nothing more than Susie being happy at having a stable father figure in her life, something she had never known.
Emily decided to approach Susie, albeit very gently. She had expected a reaction of some sorts, but she hadn't expected it to be Susie running out of the house at first mention. Displaying her first signs of rebellion, Susie broke into the backyard of one of the bigger houses in the town and had a swim in their pool... the occupants not even home. And apparently none too pleased when they did come home...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Unlike Melani Banks who always goes into labour in the middle of the night, Emily was lucky enough to burst her waters not long after lunch - day time just makes it so much better. And no lost sleep!
Like all momentous occasions, Naturally I captured it all on film! Oh yes, pay special attention to the little girl lol...
Did you watch it? Did you hear that scream?! LOL the blood curdling scream from the little girl there? You would have thought someone was being murdered not born with the way she was acting. That was hilarious.
So what did Emily have? Do you have any bets? Are you hoping for a Boy or another Girl?
She had a girl!!
Then.... she had ANOTHER girl!!

Aaah lol, twins!! And without any improved fertilisation purchase too, awesome. For a woman that wants five kids, she's only got one left to go now lol. And what a great start for Rainer and Emily's relationship, that evens up the kid score - two to Adrian, two to Rainer. Sweet!
Picking traits for new babies is always the hardest for me. Because I like a more 'hands off' approach to simming, I also don't like to get too involved with the creation aspect either. When I first create the family, then yes I will happily pick everything down to the last strand of hair. But when it comes to two sims making babies, those are babies I haven't created and as such, I like them to tell me what they're personality's are.
Last night I discovered something wonderful!! There is a "random trait picker" option for new babies!! I don't have to pick anymore, I can let the game tell me what they kids are going to be like. OMG awesome!!
So what are these two new kidlets going to start off with?
Not too bad... certainly could have been worse.
Once the traits were picked it was time to head home. Of course, some of the furniture needed to be shuffled around to make room for two cribs in the bedroom. With two new kids coming in, who will eventually need their own room, I decided it was as good a time as any to begin house renovations to build a second level. Because of course right after you have two new babies is the perfect time to do massive renovations to your house lol... thankfully this is just The Sims and not real life. =p
Basically the lounge room got extended to include a desk area as the desk had to be moved to make way for the stairs. Once there is more money I will actually add on the second level. Big plans, just no money.
Back to the babies, I wanted to share a really quick video of when Emily announced the pregnancy to Rainer lol. I meant to share this earlier but forgot I took it.
LOL I just love that pat on the shoulder and the thumbs up response. Like, "hey, good for you chicky"... that's hysterical.
Thankfully Rainer has shown just how enthusiastic he is to be having his first children by doting on them hand of foot. He's so smitten with them, it's adorable. I can only assume one of the babies needed a nappy change by the look on his face in the first one though lol, something he's more than happy to do.
He even gets up in the middle of the night to let Emily sleep... Naaaaaw. This one is definitely a keeper! Like the comments I have received so far, I too am so happy that Emily has finally found a good guy...