Thursday, November 19, 2009

at 9:15 PM Tags: , Posted by Soapinatrix

So, I got it. World Adventures. Despite not being in the mood for Sims yesterday, I decided to pick up World Adventures today since I was 5 minutes from the shops as it was. And ironically, tonight, I'm in the mood to play. I think it's the "new shiny toy" factor to be honest.

I'm installing it on my PC as my PC will handle it better and has a bigger monitor. Which means, I will be starting over from scratch, with a new family. I could have just copied my files over from my laptop and continued with The Waters, The Banks and poor Max with his 6 babies. But at the moment I just don't have enough time to take care of 3 families.

Instead, I'm going to create a SINGLE family and play them through. So far I've not gotten to see any of my second generation from any of my families grow up, and I'd like to experience that. So, for now, I will create a new little sim to guide me along their journey.

I'm sure I'll still pop on later to see how the other families are doing, but for the time being, I need nice... easy... mindless... drama free! lol.

I've just finished installing both The Sims and World Adventures on the PC and am currently wrestling the with the torture that is the EA websites to redeem my simpoints, special items etc. IF I can get all that done, I might actually get to play tonight!


  1. yay! so glad ur blogging again! luv ur blogs! plz write more to tell bout ur families! i want the new expansion sooo bad and i'd like 2 see what it's like.

    - Thanks. :)

  1. i truly love your own writing choice, very interesting.
    don't give up and also keep creating for the simple reason that it simply just worth to read it.
    looking forward to look at more of your current content pieces, have a good one!

  1. So sad that your are not blogging any more