Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm completely and utterly smitten with Aion at the moment, which is no surprise as MMORPG's have been a love of mine for the past 10 years almost. The problem however, is that I just don't have enough time to play The Sims constantly while also playing Aion, which currently I'm on every night, as well as maintain my sims blog and my Aion blog.
Originally I had planned to alternate one night in each game, but I find that harder and harder to do, especially as I now have friends playing Aion with me.
Then I decided to upgrade my PC so I could play Aion on there and leave Sims running on my laptop to continue their stories. The problem with that though is Sims still require a fair amount of interaction, and both games tend to suffer because of it.
So... I don't know what to do. I don't want to just dump my sims off, but I don't want to feel like I should be playing them just to blog either. I've been watching the google analytics numbers and the amount of readers hitting this blog has dropped every day - I'm not sure if that's due to the family I am currently writing about or if it's a sign that my updates are not enough to keep people interested. That said I never had a lot, only 50 or so a day, but it's now down to almost 10 lol.
While I won't remove the blog, I'm not playing the Sims a lot (some days at all) and that means updates are going to be far and few between - we're talking maybe a week or more. Then of course, I feel guilty for those loyal few who are addicted to my little families as much as I am and want to know what's happening...
What do I do? Does anyone have any solutions?
Yeah it's not really that I'm NOT enjoying the Sims, more just a case of me enjoying Aion so much more and not wanting to log off that to play Sims lol.
A weekly update sounds ok, I could probably handle that. Originally I had planned to spread my blog posts out over the course of the week - ie writing them all on one day, but scheduling them for different days - but even that's hard when you're pressed for time.
All your suggestions do make sense hehe... thanks. I'll sit and have a think about what I want to do... :) -
My thoughts are to keep playing Aion as much as you want and put your sims on hold. It's best to go with these addictions when they come I think...
Are your visitor numbers affected by those of us reading through RSS feeds? I don't know much about these things, so I was just wondering. I know I read through an RSS reader and only come to the site to comment.
Anyway, onwards with Aion is my suggestion! *smiles* If it's that good I might have to google it and find out what the fuss is about! -
LOL Elizabeth, you can come read my Aion blog to know what all the fuss is about!!
Basically it's an Online game - if you're familiar with EQ, World of Warcraft, etc... it's another like that. I love it so far!
I'm really sorry... seems you're not enjoying Sims that much lately or maybe that you're enjoying Aoin way better :P
But.. talking about your dilemma... if you don't want to quit playing Sims... maybe you can plan your updates once a week (let's say every Monday) other Sims bloggers do this, like roBurky:
or MedleyMisty:
or, if you believe that blogging weekly is going to kill the visits your site get.. maybe you can 'donate' one of your actual families (the one that interest you less, or maybe ask in a poll which family should be donated)
Then, you donate one of those families to some 'volunteer' that agrees to blog updates let's say, at least 3 times a week, more or less... that way the blog is gonna have constant updates...
or.. if you don't want to give away some of your sims families, ask to your fellow readers to nominate their families, make a public poll in twitter and the more interesting family wins and can blog post in the nutty simmer as a 'guest' or something very similar..
I don't know if i make some sense :P