Saturday, October 3, 2009
For some reason I find myself focusing on Rainer at the moment - perhaps he's the new shiny toy? Or perhaps I am just waiting for him to slip up lol. He hasn't, not yet anyway.
When you concentrate on a sim as much as I am on Rainer, you start to notice minor... imperfections. Rainer isn't the most "buff" sim in town, and for some reason it was starting to bug me. He was also unemployed, but thankfully already had the desire to become a world class chef, and with encouragement from Emily, is on his way to making that goal happen. I'm sure that will make Emily happy, she can't stop eating at the moment. Lucky for Rainer, there is also a way to address his cuddly features, and it's called the Gym!
By the way he ran on the treadmill, he had clearly never seen the inside of one before lol. It was amusing if not a little pathetic. For the first time this week however, I had another sim distract me from Rainer - and it wasn't even a sim I control. Nope, it was this guy:
Bottom left hand corner, the dopey bugger looking longingly at the hot blond beside him. He spent his entire workout with those puppy dog eyes focusing on every piece of ass in there besides his own. I wonder if he's related to Max in any way?
That face didn't change, not once. As Rainer was leaving the Gym, this guy was heading back up the stairs, and once again, checking out the women.
Of course, I don't know any female that goes to the Gym dressed like that, especially as she's heading upstairs where the work out equipment is, and not the downstairs toilets to get changed. Either way, Mr Hot Stuff there clearly thinks she looks fine... is that a "till death do us part" image above his head? Or more a ... "drop dead" thought?
If anyones thinking someone should drop dead, I don't think it's him. Check out the face on her!!
I got Rainer out of there pronto in case he got caught in the middle. I did notice when he got home (as he stopped past the letterbox to pay some bills, naaaaw) that the workout did seem to take affect already. I wish a 20 minute run on the treadmill helped me lose weight that quickly!
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